📜  归纳推理与演绎推理之间的差异

📅  最后修改于: 2020-09-23 07:12:54             🧑  作者: Mango



  • 演绎推理使用可用的事实,信息或知识来得出有效的结论,而演绎推理则涉及根据特定的事实和观察进行概括。
  • 演绎推理使用自上而下的方法,而归纳推理使用自下而上的方法。
  • 演绎推理从广义陈述转变为有效结论,而归纳推理则从特定观察转变为概括。
  • 在演绎推理中,结论是确定的,而在归纳推理中,结论是概率性的。
  • 演绎论证可以是有效或无效,这意味着如果前提为真,则结论必须为真,而归纳论证可以为强或弱,这意味着即使前提为真,结论也可能为假。



Basis for comparison Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning
Definition Deductive reasoning is the form of valid reasoning, to deduce new information or conclusion from known related facts and information. Inductive reasoning arrives at a conclusion by the process of generalization using specific facts or data.
Approach Deductive reasoning follows a top-down approach. Inductive reasoning follows a bottom-up approach.
Starts from Deductive reasoning starts from Premises. Inductive reasoning starts from the Conclusion.
Validity In deductive reasoning conclusion must be true if the premises are true. In inductive reasoning, the truth of premises does not guarantee the truth of conclusions.
Usage Use of deductive reasoning is difficult, as we need facts which must be true. Use of inductive reasoning is fast and easy, as we need evidence instead of true facts. We often use it in our daily life.
Process Theory→ hypothesis→ patterns→confirmation. Observations-→patterns→hypothesis→Theory.
Argument In deductive reasoning, arguments may be valid or invalid. In inductive reasoning, arguments may be weak or strong.
Structure Deductive reasoning reaches from general facts to specific facts. Inductive reasoning reaches from specific facts to general facts.