Python – 各国冠状病毒病例的详细信息
Requests : Requests 允许您非常轻松地发送 HTTP/1.1 请求。无需手动将查询字符串添加到您的 URL。
pip install requests
Beautiful Soup: Beautiful Soup 是一个库,可以轻松地从网页中抓取信息。它位于 HTML 或 XML 解析器之上,提供用于迭代、搜索和修改解析树的 Pythonic 习惯用法。
pip install beautifulsoup4
In order to make this script we have to do the following :
1. From the name of the country create URL
2. Scrape the data with the help of requests and Beautiful Soup
3. Convert that data into html code.
4. Find the required details and filter them.
5. Save the result in the dictionary.
# importing libraries
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import requests
# method to get the info
def get_info(country_name):
# creating url using country name
url = "" + country_name + "/"
# getting the request from url
data = requests.get(url)
# converting the text
soup = BS(data.text, 'html.parser')
# finding meta info for cases
cases = soup.find_all("div", class_ = "maincounter-number")
# getting total cases number
total = cases[0].text
# filtering it
total = total[1 : len(total) - 2]
# getting recovered cases number
recovered = cases[2].text
# filtering it
recovered = recovered[1 : len(recovered) - 1]
# getting death cases number
deaths = cases[1].text
# filtering it
deaths = deaths[1 : len(deaths) - 1]
# saving details in dictionary
ans ={'Total Cases' : total, 'Recovered Cases' : recovered,
'Total Deaths' : deaths}
# returning the dictionary
return ans
# setting country name
country_name = "us"
# calling the get_info method
us = get_info(country_name)
# printing the results for us
print("Cases in United States")
for i, j in us.items():
print(i + " : " + j)
# setting country name to india
country_name = "india"
# calling the get_info method
india = get_info(country_name)
# printing the results for us
print("Cases in India")
for i, j in india.items():
print(i + " : " + j)
输出 :
Cases in United States
Total Cases : 654,343
Recovered Cases : 56,618
Total Deaths : 33,490
Cases in India
Total Cases : 12,759
Recovered Cases : 1,514
Total Deaths : 423