📜  hackereat - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:01:05.953000             🧑  作者: Mango

Hackereat - Python

Hackereat is a Python package for food enthusiasts and programmers to find recipes and get cooking tips.


To install Hackereat, simply use pip:

pip install hackereat
Searching for Recipes

To search for recipes, first import the HackereatClient class and create an instance of it:

from hackereat import HackereatClient

client = HackereatClient()

You can then search for recipes using the search_recipes method, specifying the query and optionally the number of results to return:

recipes = client.search_recipes(query='spaghetti carbonara', num_results=5)

This will return a list of HackereatRecipe objects, each representing a recipe that matches the query.

Accessing Recipe Information

Each HackereatRecipe object contains a variety of information about the recipe, such as its title, ingredients, and cooking time. You can access this information using the following attributes:

  • title: Title of the recipe
  • url: URL of the recipe
  • image_url: URL of the recipe image
  • ingredients: List of ingredients
  • cook_time: Cooking time
  • source: Recipe source (e.g. Food Network, Allrecipes)

For example, to print the title and ingredients of the first recipe in the list, you can use:

recipe = recipes[0]
Getting Cooking Tips

Hackereat also provides cooking tips and tricks. To get a random cooking tip, simply call the get_cooking_tip method:

tip = client.get_cooking_tip()

With Hackereat, you can easily search for recipes and get cooking tips, all within your Python environment. Give it a try and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills!

Markdown output:

# Hackereat - Python

Hackereat is a Python package for food enthusiasts and programmers to find recipes and get cooking tips.

## Installation

To install Hackereat, simply use pip: 

pip install hackereat
Searching for Recipes

To search for recipes, first import the HackereatClient class and create an instance of it:

from hackereat import HackereatClient

client = HackereatClient()

You can then search for recipes using the search_recipes method, specifying the query and optionally the number of results to return:

recipes = client.search_recipes(query='spaghetti carbonara', num_results=5)

This will return a list of HackereatRecipe objects, each representing a recipe that matches the query.

Accessing Recipe Information

Each HackereatRecipe object contains a variety of information about the recipe, such as its title, ingredients, and cooking time. You can access this information using the following attributes:

  • title: Title of the recipe
  • url: URL of the recipe
  • image_url: URL of the recipe image
  • ingredients: List of ingredients
  • cook_time: Cooking time
  • source: Recipe source (e.g. Food Network, Allrecipes)

For example, to print the title and ingredients of the first recipe in the list, you can use:

recipe = recipes[0]
Getting Cooking Tips

Hackereat also provides cooking tips and tricks. To get a random cooking tip, simply call the get_cooking_tip method:

tip = client.get_cooking_tip()

With Hackereat, you can easily search for recipes and get cooking tips, all within your Python environment. Give it a try and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills!