Python IMDbPY – 从搜索到的公司中获取名称
Syntax : companies[0][‘name’]
Here companies is the list return by search_company method and companies[0] refer to the first element of list.
Return : It returns string i.e name.
# importing the module
import imdb
# creating instance of IMDb
ia = imdb.IMDb()
# name of the company
name = "Universal Studios Hollywood"
# searching the name of the company
search = ia.search_company(name)
# printing the search
# printing the name
for i in range(len(search)):
输出 :
[Company id:0017927[http] name:_Universal Studios Hollywood [us]_]
Universal Studios Hollywood
# importing the module
import imdb
# creating instance of IMDb
ia = imdb.IMDb()
# name of the company
name = "Walt Disney"
# searching the name of the company
search = ia.search_company(name)
# printing the name
for i in range(len(search)):
输出 :
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Walt Disney Studios
Walt Disney Animation Studios
The Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney Television
Walt Disney Home Video
Walt Disney Home Video
Walt Disney Productions
Walt Disney Company Nordic
Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney Attractions
The Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney Animation U.K.
Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group
Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney International