引导带 |文本实用程序(对齐、换行、粗细等)
Bootstrap是最流行的开源前端框架之一,它帮助我们开发响应式、移动优先的网站和 Web 应用程序。作为其产品的一部分,bootstrap 为我们提供了一个类集合,称为Text Utilities类,它控制各种文本属性,例如文本对齐、文本换行、文本溢出、文本转换、字体粗细、斜体、等宽、重置文字的颜色,去除文字装饰。
- sm:视口大于 576px。
- md:视口大于 768px。
- lg:视口大于 992px。
- xl:视口大于 1200 像素。
- text-justify:顾名思义,该类用于将文本对齐设置为对齐状态。
例子:Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-center:它将所有屏幕尺寸的文本对齐设置为居中。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-left:它将所有屏幕尺寸的文本对齐设置为左对齐。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-right:它将所有屏幕尺寸的文本对齐设置为右对齐。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-(viewport)-(align): Bootstrap 为我们提供了一系列可以根据视口大小更改文本对齐方式的类。
- text-sm-left:它在大于 576px(sm) 的视口上将文本对齐设置为左对齐。
- text-md-left:在大于 768px(md) 的视口中将文本对齐设置为左对齐。
- text-lg-left:它将文本对齐设置为在大于 992px(lg) 的视口上向左对齐。
- text-xl-left:它将文本对齐设置为在大小大于 1200px(xl) 的视口上向左对齐。
- text-sm-center:它将文本对齐设置为在大小大于 576px(sm) 的视口上居中。
- text-md-center:它将文本对齐设置为在大小大于 768px(md) 的视口上居中。
- text-lg-center:它将文本对齐设置为在大小大于 992px(lg) 的视口上居中。
- text-xl-center:它将文本对齐设置为在大小大于 1200px(xl) 的视口上居中。
- text-sm-right:它在大于 576px(sm) 的视口上将文本对齐设置为右对齐。
- text-md-right:它在大于 768px(md) 的视口上将文本对齐设置为右对齐。
- text-lg-right:它在大于 992px(lg) 的视口上将文本对齐设置为右对齐。
- text-xl-right:它在大于 1200px(xl) 的视口上将文本对齐设置为右对齐。
示例: text-sm-right
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
注意:你可以结合text-(align)和text-(viewport)-(align)以及两个不同的text-(viewport)-(align),根据不同的viewport获得不同的对齐方式。就像,您可以使用 text-center 和 text-md-right,当视口尺寸大于 768px(md) 时获得正确的文本对齐,在较小的视口中,文本将居中对齐。
- text-wrap:它在应用的元素上设置文本换行。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-nowrap:它删除应用元素上的文本换行。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-truncate:它使用省略号在应用的元素上设置截断。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- font-weight-bold:用于将字体文本设置为粗体。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- font-weight-bolder:用于设置比其父元素更粗的字体粗细。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- font-weight-normal:用于设置正常字体粗细。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- font-weight-light:用于为文本设置较轻的字体重量。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- font-weight-lighter:用于设置字体重量比其父元素轻。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- font-italics:用于设置字体样式为斜体。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-monospace:用于将文本字体更改为等宽。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-reset:用于将文本中的字体颜色移除为从其父元素继承的字体颜色。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.
- text-decoration-none:用于去除文本中的所有文本装饰。
Bootstrap Text Utilities GeeksForGeeks
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.