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📜  hierarchymagic' (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:01:08.472000             🧑  作者: Mango



Hierarchymagic is a Python library that provides tools for working with hierarchical data structures, such as trees and nested lists. It is intended to make it easy to manipulate and traverse these kinds of data structures in a efficient and simple manner.


Some of the features that Hierarchymagic provides are:

  • Tree Builders: This feature allows users to easily build tree structures from scratch, or from existing data structures.
  • Tree Traversal: With Hierarchymagic, users can traverse tree structures in a variety of ways, including pre-order, post-order, and breadth-first order.
  • Node Manipulation: Users can easily add, remove, or modify nodes of a tree.
  • Data Import/Export: Hierarchymagic provides easy-to-use functions for importing and exporting tree data in various formats such as JSON, YAML, and XML.
  • Tree Comparison: Users can compare two tree structures to determine whether they are structurally equivalent.
  • Tree Queries: This feature allows users to search the tree structure for specific nodes or values using a variety of query methods.
Getting Started

To install Hierarchymagic, use pip:

pip install hierarchymagic
Example Usage

Here's an example of how to create and manipulate a tree using Hierarchymagic:

from hierarchymagic import Tree

# create a tree with a root node
my_tree = Tree()
root = my_tree.add_node("root")

# add child nodes to the root
child1 = my_tree.add_node("child1", parent=root)
child2 = my_tree.add_node("child2", parent=root)

# add a child node to child2
grandchild = my_tree.add_node("grandchild", parent=child2)

# print the tree structure

# output:
# root
#  ├── child1
#  └── child2
#      └── grandchild

# remove the child1 node

# print the tree structure again

# output:
# root
#  └── child2
#      └── grandchild

Hierarchymagic is a powerful and versatile tool for working with hierarchical data structures. Its easy-to-use functions provide users with the ability to manipulate, traverse, and query tree structures efficiently, making it a valuable asset for any programmer working with tree data.