📜  在Python中使用 Web Scraping 进行报价猜谜游戏

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:51.805000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python中使用 Web Scraping 进行报价猜谜游戏

先决条件: BeautifulSoup 安装

在本文中,我们将使用名为 BeautifulSoup 的Python框架从该站点 http//quotes.toscrape.com 中抓取作者的报价和详细信息,并使用不同的数据结构和算法开发一个猜谜游戏。

用户将有 4 次机会猜出名言的作者,每一次都会向用户提供提示,可以是作者的出生日期、名字的第一个字母、第二个名字的第一个字母等。 成功猜出对于作者,会打印一条消息,如果用户在所有 4 次机会之后都未能猜到答案,则会再次打印一条消息以及答案。


  • 导入模块
    • requests 帮助我们抓取页面,当收到响应时,它以字符串的形式存储
    • bs4 库用于创建 beasutifulSoup 对象。
    • csv库帮助使用Python读取和写入 CSV 文件
    • 时间模块的睡眠函数有助于增加程序执行的延迟。
    • 来自 random 模块的选择函数返回一个随机元素。
  • 创建一个列表来存储刮取的值
  • 从此链接中抓取详细信息: http//quotes.toscrape.com
  • 提取数据
  • 游戏逻辑
    • 从创建的字典中返回随机项目
    • 设置猜测次数
    • 写成功和失败的消息
    • 不断给出提示,直到机会数达到零或用户做对了


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from csv import writer
from time import sleep
from random import choice
# list to store scraped data
all_quotes = []
# this part of the url is constant
base_url = "http://quotes.toscrape.com/"
# this part of the url will keep changing
url = "/page/1"
while url:
    # concatenating both urls
    # making request
    res = requests.get(f"{base_url}{url}")
    print(f"Now Scraping{base_url}{url}")
    soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
    # extracting all elements
    quotes = soup.find_all(class_="quote")
    for quote in quotes:
            "text": quote.find(class_="text").get_text(),
            "author": quote.find(class_="author").get_text(),
            "bio-link": quote.find("a")["href"]
    next_btn = soup.find(_class="next")
    url = next_btn.find("a")["href"] if next_btn else None
quote = choice(all_quotes)
remaining_guesses = 4
print("Here's a quote:  ")
guess = ''
while guess.lower() != quote["author"].lower() and remaining_guesses > 0:
    guess = input(
        f"Who said this quote? Guesses remaining {remaining_guesses}")
    if guess == quote["author"]:
    remaining_guesses -= 1
    if remaining_guesses == 3:
        res = requests.get(f"{base_url}{quote['bio-link']}")
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
        birth_date = soup.find(class_="author-born-date").get_text()
        birth_place = soup.find(class_="author-born-location").get_text()
            f"Here's a hint: The author was born on {birth_date}{birth_place}")
    elif remaining_guesses == 2:
            f"Here's a hint: The author's first name starts with: {quote['author'][0]}")
    elif remaining_guesses == 1:
        last_initial = quote["author"].split(" ")[1][0]
            f"Here's a hint: The author's last name starts with: {last_initial}")
            f"Sorry, you ran out of guesses. The answer was {quote['author']}")
