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📜  Python程序查找具有给定总和的列表的m个连续元素

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:39.204000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定一个列表'L',一个总和'S'和一次要取的元素数量'm'。任务是找出通过添加任何 m 个连续元素可以找到多少种方法 sum 。例子:

Input : 
1 2 1 3 2
3 2

Output :
Input :
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2
Output :

例如 1,我们必须借助列表的任何 2 个连续元素来找到总和 3。这可以通过 1+2 和 2+1 两种方式完成,所以答案是 2方法 1:(简单)从一开始,我们选择前 m 个元素并找到它们的总和,如果 sum = s 然后将计数加一,并增加索引定位一个选择下一个 m 元素并重复相同的操作,直到覆盖整个列表。

# Python program to find number of
# m contiguous elements of a list
# with sum s
def SearchWay(l, s, m):
    # initialise sum and
    # count to 0
    sum1 = 0
    count = 0
    # iterate from start of
    # list to end
    for i in range (len(l)-m + 1):
        # get sum f m elements
        # starting from index i
        for j in range (i, i + m):
            sum1 += l[j]
        # if the sum of elements equal
        # s increment count
        if sum1 == s:
            count += 1
        sum1 = 0
    return count
# Driver's code
l = [1, 2, 1, 3, 2]
s = 3
m = 2
ans = SearchWay(l, s, m)

# Python program to find number of
# m contiguous elements of a list
# with sum s
def SearchWay(l, s, m):
    n = len(l)
    # Initialize curr_sum as
    # value of first element
    # and starting point as 0
    count = start = 0
    curr_sum = l[0]
    # Initialize the index as 1
    index = 1
    # Add elements one by 
    # one to curr_sum and 
    # if the index exceeds 
    # the m, then remove 
    # starting element
    # and change the value
    # of index as m-1
    i = 1
    while i <= n:
        # If curr_sum becomes
        # equal to sum, then
        # increment count by 1
        if curr_sum == s and index == m:
            count += 1
        # If index exceeds
        # the m, then remove
        # the starting elements
        while index >= m:
            curr_sum -= l[start]
            start += 1
            index = m-1
        # Add this element 
        # to curr_sum and
        # increment index
        if i < n:
            curr_sum += l[i]
            index += 1
        i += 1
    return count
# Driver's code
l = [1, 2, 1, 3, 2]
s = 3
m = 2
ans = SearchWay(l, s, m)



时间复杂度:最坏情况下为 O(n^2)。方法二:(高效)初始化一个变量index为0,curr_sum为第一个元素。 index 表示连续元素的计数,curr_sum 表示当前索引元素的总和。从第二个元素开始,将所有元素一一添加到 curr_sum 中。如果 curr_sum 等于 sum 并且 index 等于 m,则将 count 的值增加 1。如果 index 超过 m,则删除尾随元素并将 index 初始化为 m-1。


# Python program to find number of
# m contiguous elements of a list
# with sum s
def SearchWay(l, s, m):
    n = len(l)
    # Initialize curr_sum as
    # value of first element
    # and starting point as 0
    count = start = 0
    curr_sum = l[0]
    # Initialize the index as 1
    index = 1
    # Add elements one by 
    # one to curr_sum and 
    # if the index exceeds 
    # the m, then remove 
    # starting element
    # and change the value
    # of index as m-1
    i = 1
    while i <= n:
        # If curr_sum becomes
        # equal to sum, then
        # increment count by 1
        if curr_sum == s and index == m:
            count += 1
        # If index exceeds
        # the m, then remove
        # the starting elements
        while index >= m:
            curr_sum -= l[start]
            start += 1
            index = m-1
        # Add this element 
        # to curr_sum and
        # increment index
        if i < n:
            curr_sum += l[i]
            index += 1
        i += 1
    return count
# Driver's code
l = [1, 2, 1, 3, 2]
s = 3
m = 2
ans = SearchWay(l, s, m)



方法2的时间复杂度看起来比O(n)要大,但是如果我们仔细看一下程序,我们可以发现时间复杂度是O(n)。我们可以通过计算在最坏情况下对 arr[] 的每个元素执行的操作次数来证明这一点。每个元素最多执行 2 次操作: (a) 将元素添加到 curr_sum (b) 从 curr_sum 中减去元素。所以操作次数的上限是 2n,即 O(n)。