PHP是 Hypertext Preprocessor 的递归首字母缩写词。它是一种广泛使用的通用脚本语言,专门用于 Web 开发并嵌入到 HTML 中。它的脚本在服务器上执行。 PHP文件包含 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 和PHP代码。它在服务器上执行,结果以纯 HTML 的形式返回给浏览器。其文件以 . PHP扩展。
基本语法: PHP脚本以 PHP并以 ?> 结尾,可以在文档中的任何位置使用。
echo “geeksforgeeks!”;
C#发音为升C。它是一种现代的、面向对象的和类型安全的编程语言。 C# 是一种能够让开发人员构建多种类型的应用程序的语言,这些应用程序安全可靠,并且能够在.NET中运行。
using System;
class Hello
static void Main()
以下是PHP和 C# 之间的差异表: For executing PHP files we require: For this, we require Integrated Development Environment for writing code. These are: In these, we have broadly three types of categories of variables. These are : We have to write the $ symbol to declare any variable. Example: $ a = 10; We don’t need to write any extra symbol, just write the type of the variable used. Example: int a = 10; // for integer typeBasis of Comparison PHP C# Pronunciation PHP is the reverse acronym for the Hypertext preprocessor. C# is pronounced as C Sharp. Language It is the general purpose scripting language. It is an object-oriented programming language. Founder PHP was founded by Rasmus Lerdorf. C# was founded by Microsoft. Requirement Categories of variables There are no categories of variables. We have a total of 8 types of variables used in PHP. Variable Declaration Types of Loops We can use four types of loops in this that are while for, do-while and foreach loop. Here we can use three types of loops that are while, for and nested loop. Benefits It is simple and flexible to use and also good for security purposes. In these, we have automatic garbage collection, standard libraries. Use Basically, it is used for web development. It is used for both web development and desktop applications.