📜  嵌入式系统的特性

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-01 02:40:01             🧑  作者: Mango



  • 嵌入式系统是嵌入计算机硬件的软件,该软件使系统专用于各种应用程序。
  • 嵌入式系统通常用于执行特定任务,这些任务根据嵌入式系统的各种特性提供实时输出。
  • 嵌入式系统可能在较大的设备中包含较小的部分,该部分用于使用硬件-软件混合配置服务更特定的应用程序以执行各种任务。
  • 它提供了高可靠性和实时计算能力。


S. No Software Interface Hardware Interface Visual Aid Remarks
1 Driver for LED Session: Interfacing of DisplayDiagram: Interfacing of LED LED glowing On and Off. Handling a single segment in 7 segment display as a single LED
2 Driver for 7 segment display Session: Interfacing of Display
Diagram 1: Interfacing of single 7 segment display
Diagram 2: Interfacing of multiple 7 segment display
Displaying numbers 0000 to 9999 on 7-segment display. Simple multiplexing without the use of Display Look up Table.Static display
3 Driver for multiplexing 4 seven segment displays Session: Interfacing of Display
Diagram 1: Interfacing of single 7 segment display
Diagram 2: Interfacing of multiple 7 segment displays
Displaying numbers 0000 to 9999 on 7-segment display. Multiplexing of 7 segment display taking patterns from Display Look up Table.
4 Counter Application on seven-segment display. Showing continuously incrementing values on seven-segment display Without interrupt, Without ASCII values
5 Counter Application on seven-segment display. Showing continuously incrementing values on seven-segment display Without interrupt, With ASCII values
6 Timer Counter Session: Time / Counter initialization. Blinking LED Timer in Polling mode
Concept of background and foreground process for I/O handling using Interrupt
7 Generating Timer Interrupt Session: Timer and interrupt structure
Diagram 1: Timer SFR
Diagram2: Interrupt Vector Table
Blinking of dot on seven-segment display. Dot indicates occurrence of interrupt
8 Interrupt based display driver for seven segment display Session: timer and interrupt structure
Diagram 1: 1ms interrupt structure
Diagram 2: Scanner program flow chart
Four digit counter application on seven-segment display With interrupt, with ASCII values
9 Interrupt based hex key pad driver Session: Interfacing of keys
Diagram1: Interfacing of Key
Diagram 2: Interfacing of Hex Key pad, Scan lines and Return lines
Diagram 3: Scanner program flow chart
Displaying the value of key pressed till user presses another key Key pad scanning with interrupt
10 Complete Stopwatch application Related to each of the above Showing continuously incrementing values on seven-segment display A key for starting SW
B key for stopping SW
C key for resetting SW


  • 相同的硬件可用于多种应用。
  • 功率要求较低
  • 降低系统运营成本
  • 提供高性能和高效率


  • 开发系统需要更多时间。由于功能复杂。
  • 需要熟练的工程师,因为一个错误可能会破坏整个项目。