📜  PowerShell与CMD

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-08 01:53:20             🧑  作者: Mango





命令提示符正式称为Windows命令处理器,但有时也称为CMD提示符或命令外壳,甚至通过其文件名cmd.exe也称为。 Therese Stowell于1987年12月为Windows NT开发了第一个CMD版本。几乎所有版本的Windows操作系统都可以使用它。




PowerShell Command Prompt (CMD)
1. It is the automated task-based command-line interface and associated scripting language based on the .NET framework. 1. It is the default command-line interpreter for the Microsoft Windows operating system.
2. It can interpret both batch and PowerShell commands. 2. It can interpret only batch commands.
3. It is used to control and automate the applications and Windows operating system on a Windows server. 3. It is used to execute the given commands on the console, which can be used to debug the problem.
4. The output generated by the PowerShell is not just a stream of characters but a collection of objects. 4. The output generated by the command prompt is just a stream of characters(text).
5. It is both a shell and scripting environment which supports the creation of large files for managing the windows operating system. 5. It is just a shell system, which allows a user to do only easy and basic scripts for the execution of the batch file.