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📜  Python – Tweepy 中的 API.show_list_member()(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:46:08.249000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python - Intro to API.show_list_member() in Tweepy

Tweepy is a popular Python library for interfacing with the Twitter API. With the API.show_list_member() endpoint, Tweepy enables developers to retrieve members of a Twitter List. This capability is useful for a variety of applications, including analyzing the engagement of a group of Twitter users or monitoring the tweets of a particular community.


To use the Tweepy library, you'll need the following:

  • A Twitter developer account (https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps/create)
  • The consumer key, consumer secret, access token key, and access token secret associated with your Twitter developer account
  • Tweepy installed in your Python environment (pip install tweepy)
API.show_list_member(owner_id=None, slug=None, owner_screen_name=None, 
                      slug=None, cursor=None, count=None, include_entities=True, skip_status=False)

The owner_id parameter specifies the user ID of the owner of the list. The slug parameter specifies the short name or slug of the list. The owner_screen_name parameter specifies the screen name of the owner of the list. The cursor parameter specifies the cursor value for pagination. The count parameter specifies the maximum number of users to be returned per page. The include_entities parameter specifies whether to include Tweet entities with the response. The skip_status parameter specifies whether to exclude the user's status updates from the response.

import tweepy

# authenticate
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

# initialize Tweepy API
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# define parameters
owner_id = "123456789" # replace with the desired owner ID
slug = "mylist" # replace with the desired list slug

# retrieve list members
members = api.show_list_member(owner_id=owner_id, slug=slug)

# print the user names of the list members
for member in members:

In the above example, we first authenticate with the Twitter API using our consumer and access tokens. We then create an instance of the Tweepy API class. Next, we define the relevant parameters for the API.show_list_member() endpoint, including the owner ID and list slug. We use these parameters to retrieve the list members and then use a loop to print the screen name of each list member.


Tweepy provides a convenient way to work with the Twitter API, and the API.show_list_member() endpoint is a powerful tool for retrieving members of a Twitter List. By leveraging this endpoint, developers can analyze the behavior of specific Twitter communities and gain valuable insights into social media engagement.