📜  Java Java类

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:26.894000             🧑  作者: Mango

Java Java类

此类表示网络接口,包括软件和硬件、其名称、分配给它的 IP 地址列表以及所有相关信息。当我们想专门使用特定接口在具有多个 NIC 的系统上传输数据包时,可以使用它。
方法 :

1.getName() :返回此网络接口的名称。

Syntax : public String getName()

2.getInetAddresses() :如果安全管理器允许,则返回绑定到此网络接口的所有 Inetaddresses 的枚举。

Syntax :public Enumeration getInetAddresses()

3.getInterfaceAddresses() :返回此接口上所有接口地址的列表。

Syntax :public List getInterfaceAddresses()

4.getSubInterfaces() :返回此网络接口的所有子接口或虚拟接口的枚举。例如 eth0:2 是 eth0 的子接口。

Syntax :public Enumeration getSubInterfaces()

5.getParent() :如果是子接口,该方法返回父接口。如果这不是子接口,则此方法将返回 null。

Syntax :public NetworkInterface getParent()

6.getIndex() :返回系统分配给这个网络接口的索引。可以使用索引代替长名称来引用设备上的任何接口。

Syntax :public int getIndex()

7.getDisplayName() :该方法以可读的字符串格式返回网络接口的名称。

Syntax :public String getDisplayName()

8.getByName() :查找并返回具有指定名称的网络接口,如果不存在则返回null。

Syntax :public static NetworkInterface getByName(String name)
                                  throws SocketException
Parameters :
name : name of network interface to search for.
Throws :
SocketException : if I/O error occurs.

9.getByIndex() :执行与前一个函数,索引用作搜索参数而不是名称。

Syntax :public static NetworkInterface getByIndex(int index)
                                  throws SocketException
Parameters :
index : index of network interface to search for.
Throws :
SocketException : if I/O error occurs.

10.getByInetAddress() :此方法被广泛使用,因为它返回指定的inetaddress绑定到的网络接口。如果一个 InetAddress 绑定到多个接口,则可以返回任何一个接口。

Syntax : public static NetworkInterface getByInetAddress(InetAddress addr)
                                         throws SocketException
Parameters : 
addr : address to search for
Throws : 
SocketException : If IO error occurs

11.getNetworkInterfaces() :返回系统上的所有网络接口。

Syntax :public static Enumeration getNetworkInterfaces()
                                                          throws SocketException
Throws :
SocketException : If IO error occurs

12.isUp() :返回一个布尔值,指示此网络接口是否已启动并正在运行。

Syntax : public boolean isUp()

13.isLoopback() :返回一个布尔值,指示此接口是否为环回接口。

Syntax : public boolean isLoopback()

14.isPointToPoint() :返回一个布尔值,指示此接口是否为点对点接口。

Syntax : public boolean isPointToPoint()

15.supportsMulticast() :返回一个布尔值,指示此接口是否支持多播。

Syntax : public boolean supportsMulticast()

16.getHardwareAddress() :返回一个字节数组,其中包含该接口的硬件地址(MAC)地址。调用者在调用此方法之前必须具有适当的权限。

public byte[] getHardwareAddress()

17.getMTU() :返回此接口的最大传输单元。 MTU 是可以在基于数据包的网络中发送的数据包或帧的最大大小。

Syntax :public int getMTU()

18.isVirtual() :返回一个布尔值,指示此接口是否为虚拟接口。虚拟接口与物理接口结合使用以提供附加值,例如地址和 MTU。

Syntax : public boolean isVirtual()

19.equals() :此方法用于比较两个网络接口是否相等。如果两个网络接口绑定了相同的名称和地址,则它们是相等的。

Syntax :public boolean equals(Object obj)
Parameters : 
obj : Object to compare this network interface for equality

20.hashCode() :返回此对象的哈希码值。

Syntax :public int hashCode()

21.toString() :返回此对象的文本描述。

Syntax :public String toString()


//Java program to illustrate various
//networkInterface class methods.
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InterfaceAddress;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
public class NetworkInterfaceEx
    public static void main(String[] args) throws SocketException,
        // getNetworkInterfaces() returns a list of all interfaces
        // present in the system.
        ArrayList interfaces = Collections.list(
        System.out.println("Information about present Network Interfaces...\n");
        for (NetworkInterface iface : interfaces)
            // isUp() method used for checking whether the interface in process
            // is up and running or not.
            if (iface.isUp())
                // getName() method
                System.out.println("Interface Name: " + iface.getName());
                // getDisplayName() method
                System.out.println("Interface display name: " + iface.getDisplayName());
                // gethardwareaddress() method
                System.out.println("Hardware Address: " +
                // getParent() method
                System.out.println("Parent: " + iface.getParent());
                // getIndex() method
                System.out.println("Index: " + iface.getIndex());
                // Interface addresses of the network interface
                System.out.println("\tInterface addresses: ");
                // getInterfaceAddresses() method
                for (InterfaceAddress addr : iface.getInterfaceAddresses())
                    System.out.println("\t\t" + addr.getAddress().toString());
                // Interface addresses of the network interface
                System.out.println("\tInetAddresses associated with this interface: ");
                // getInetAddresses() method returns list of all
                // addresses currently bound to this interface
                Enumeration en = iface.getInetAddresses();
                while (en.hasMoreElements())
                    System.out.println("\t\t" + en.nextElement().toString());
                // getMTU() method
                System.out.println("\tMTU: " + iface.getMTU());
                // getSubInterfaces() method
                System.out.println("\tSubinterfaces: " +
                // isLoopback() method
                System.out.println("\this loopback: " + iface.isLoopback());
                // isVirtual() method
                System.out.println("\this virtual: " + iface.isVirtual());
                // isPointToPoint() method
                System.out.println("\this point to point: " + iface.isPointToPoint());
                // supportsMulticast() method
                System.out.println("Supports Multicast: " + iface.supportsMulticast());
        // getByIndex() method returns network interface
        // with the specified index
        NetworkInterface nif = NetworkInterface.getByIndex(1);
        // toString() method is used to display textual
        // information about this network interface
        System.out.println("Network interface 1: " + nif.toString());
        // getByName() method returns network interface
        // with the specified name
        NetworkInterface nif2 = NetworkInterface.getByName("eth0");
        InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");
        // getbyInetAddress() method
        NetworkInterface nif3 = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(ip);
        System.out.println("\nlocalhost associated with: " + nif3);
        // equals() method
        boolean eq = nif.equals(nif2);
        System.out.println("nif==nif2: " + eq);
        // hashCode() method
        System.out.println("Hashcode : " + nif.hashCode());

输出 :

Information about present Network Interfaces...

Interface Name: lo
Interface display name: Software Loopback Interface 1
Hardware Address: null
Parent: null
Index: 1
    Interface addresses: 
    InetAddresses associated with this interface: 
    MTU: -1
    Subinterfaces: []
    is loopback: true
    is virtual: false
    is point to point: false
Supports Multicast: true
Interface Name: wlan5
Interface display name: Dell Wireless 1705 802.11b|g|n (2.4GHZ)
Hardware Address: [100, 90, 4, -90, 2, 15]
Parent: null
Index: 16
    Interface addresses: 
    InetAddresses associated with this interface: 
    MTU: 1500
    Subinterfaces: []
    is loopback: false
    is virtual: false
    is point to point: false
Supports Multicast: true
Network interface 1: name:lo (Software Loopback Interface 1)

loclhost associated with: name:lo (Software Loopback Interface 1)
nif==nif2: false
HashCode : 2544