📜  GetLeftSideOfStringLinq (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:23.715000             🧑  作者: Mango



GetLeftSideOfStringLinq is a method in C# which is used to retrieve the left portion of a string using LINQ (Language Integrated Query). With the help of GetLeftSideOfStringLinq, programmers can easily obtain the desired portion of a string without using complicated code.


The syntax of GetLeftSideOfStringLinq is as follows:

string result = str.TakeWhile(c => c != separator).ToArray();
  • str : The input string from which the left portion needs to be extracted
  • separator : The separator character based on which string is split

Consider the following code snippet:

string input = "Hello World";
char separator = 'o';
string output = input.TakeWhile(c => c != separator).ToArray();

In the above example, the input string is "Hello World" and the separator character is 'o'. The output of GetLeftSideOfStringLinq will be "Hell". The TakeWhile() function iterates through the characters of the string until it encounters the separator character 'o'. The ToArray() function is used to convert the result of TakeWhile() into an array of characters.

  • GetLeftSideOfStringLinq allows programmers to easily retrieve the left portion of a string without using complicated code.
  • It is based on LINQ, which is a powerful language feature in C# and provides a lot of flexibility in querying data.

GetLeftSideOfStringLinq is a useful method in C# for retrieving the left portion of a string using LINQ. Programmers can use it to simplify their code and obtain the desired portion of a string easily.