在当前情况下, Java是最强大和流行的服务器端语言之一。服务器端语言的主要功能之一是能够与数据库进行通信。在本文中,让我们了解连接到数据库的两种方式(即JDBC和Hibernate)之间的区别。
JDBC: JDBC代表Java数据库连接。它是一个Java应用程序编程接口,用于在Java编程语言和各种数据库之间建立连接,即,在两者之间建立链接,以便程序员可以从Java代码发送数据并将其存储在数据库中,以用于将来使用。
Hibernate: Hibernate是一个开源的,非侵入性的,轻量级的Java ORM(对象关系映射)框架,用于开发独立于数据库软件的对象,并在所有Java和JEE中建立独立的持久性逻辑。它简化了Java应用程序与数据库的交互。 Hibernate是JPA(Java持久性API)的实现。
S.NO | JDBC | Hibernate | |||
1. | In JDBC, one needs to write code to map the object model’s data representation to the schema of the relational model. | Hibernate maps the object model’s data to the schema of the database itself with the help of annotations. | |||
2. | JDBC enables developers to create queries and update data to a relational database using the Structured Query Language (SQL). | Hibernate uses HQL (Hibernate Query Language) which is similar to SQL but understands object-oriented concepts like inheritance, association etc. | 3. | JDBC code needs to be written in a try catch block as it throws checked exception(SQLexception). | Whereas Hibernate manages the exceptions itself by marking them as unchecked. |
4. | JDBC is database dependent i.e. one needs to write different codes for different database. | Whereas Hibernate is database independent and same code can work for many databases with minor changes. | |||
5. | Creating associations between relations is quite hard in JDBC. | Associations like one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many can be acquired easily with the help of annotations. |