📜  树的左儿童右同级表示

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 11:23:14             🧑  作者: Mango


  1. 树从根节点开始。
  2. 树的每个节点都包含对其子节点的引用列表。
  3. 节点具有的子代数小于或等于n。

n元树的典型表示形式是使用n个引用(或指针)组成的数组来存储子级(请注意,n是子级数的上限)。我们可以做得更好吗? Left-Child Right-Sibling表示的想法是在每个节点中仅存储两个指针。



好处 :


左侧的图像是6元树的正常表示,右侧的图像是其对应的Left-Child Right-Sibling表示。








Input : A 2
Output : C
In this case, the user wishes to know A's
second child which according to the figure
is C.

Input : F 3
Output : K
Similar to the first case, the user wishes 
to know F's third child which is K.


// C++ program to find k-th child of a given
// node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
using namespace std;
// Maximum number of children
const int N = 10;
class Node
    char val;
    Node * child[N];
    Node(char P)
        val = P;
        for (int i=0; ival == P)
         if (root->child[k-1] == NULL)
             cout << "Error : Does not exist\n";
             cout << root->child[k-1]->val << endl;
    // If P lies in a subtree
    for (int i=0; ichild[i] != NULL)
            printKthChild(root->child[i], P, k);
// Driver code
int main()
    Node *root = new Node('A');
    root->child[0] = new Node('B');
    root->child[1] = new Node('C');
    root->child[2] = new Node('D');
    root->child[3] = new Node('E');
    root->child[0]->child[0] = new Node('F');
    root->child[0]->child[1] = new Node('G');
    root->child[2]->child[0] = new Node('H');
    root->child[0]->child[0]->child[0] = new Node('I');
    root->child[0]->child[0]->child[1] = new Node('J');
    root->child[0]->child[0]->child[2] = new Node('K');
    root->child[2]->child[0]->child[0] = new Node('L');
    root->child[2]->child[0]->child[1] = new Node('M');
    // Print F's 2nd child
    char P = 'F';
    cout << "F's second child is : ";
    printKthChild(root, P, 2);
    P = 'A';
    cout << "A's seventh child is : ";
    printKthChild(root, P, 7);
    return 0;

// Java program to find k-th child 
// of a given node using typical 
// representation that uses 
// an array of pointers.
class GFG
    // Maximum number of children
    static int N = 10;
    static class Node
        char val;
        Node[] child = new Node[N];
        Node(char P)
            val = P;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                child[i] = null;
    // Traverses given n-ary tree to 
    // find K-th child of P.
    static void printKthChild(Node root, 
                              char P, int k) 
        // If P is current root
        if (root.val == P)
            if (root.child[k - 1] == null)
                System.out.print("Error : Does not exist\n");
                System.out.print(root.child[k - 1].val + "\n");
        // If P lies in a subtree
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            if (root.child[i] != null)
                printKthChild(root.child[i], P, k);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.child[0] = new Node('B');
        root.child[1] = new Node('C');
        root.child[2] = new Node('D');
        root.child[3] = new Node('E');
        root.child[0].child[0] = new Node('F');
        root.child[0].child[1] = new Node('G');
        root.child[2].child[0] = new Node('H');
        root.child[0].child[0].child[0] = new Node('I');
        root.child[0].child[0].child[1] = new Node('J');
        root.child[0].child[0].child[2] = new Node('K');
        root.child[2].child[0].child[0] = new Node('L');
        root.child[2].child[0].child[1] = new Node('M');
        // Print F's 2nd child
        char P = 'F';
        System.out.print("F's second child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 2);
        P = 'A';
        System.out.print("A's seventh child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 7);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

# Python3 program to find k-th child of a given
# node using typical representation that uses
# an array of pointers.
# Maximum number of children
N = 10
class Node:
    def __init__(self , P):
        self.val = P
        self.child = []
        for i in range(10):
# Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
# child of P.
def printKthChild(root, P, k):
    # If P is current root
    if (root.val == P):
        if (root.child[k - 1] == None):
            print("Error : Does not exist")
            print( root.child[k - 1].val )
    # If P lies in a subtree
    for i in range(N) :
        if (root.child[i] != None):
            printKthChild(root.child[i], P, k)
# Driver code
root = Node('A')
root.child[0] = Node('B')
root.child[1] = Node('C')
root.child[2] = Node('D')
root.child[3] = Node('E')
root.child[0].child[0] = Node('F')
root.child[0].child[1] = Node('G')
root.child[2].child[0] = Node('H')
root.child[0].child[0].child[0] = Node('I')
root.child[0].child[0].child[1] = Node('J')
root.child[0].child[0].child[2] = Node('K')
root.child[2].child[0].child[0] = Node('L')
root.child[2].child[0].child[1] = Node('M')
# Print F's 2nd child
P = 'F'
print( "F's second child is : ")
printKthChild(root, P, 2)
P = 'A'
print( "A's seventh child is : ")
printKthChild(root, P, 7)
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

// C# program to find k-th child 
// of a given node using typical 
// representation that uses 
// an array of pointers.
using System;
class GFG
    // Maximum number of children
    static int N = 10;
    class Node
        public char val;
        public Node[] child = new Node[N];
        public Node(char P)
            val = P;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                child[i] = null;
    // Traverses given n-ary tree to 
    // find K-th child of P.
    static void printKthChild(Node root, 
                              char P, int k) 
        // If P is current root
        if (root.val == P)
            if (root.child[k - 1] == null)
                Console.Write("Error : Does not exist\n");
                Console.Write(root.child[k - 1].val + "\n");
        // If P lies in a subtree
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            if (root.child[i] != null)
                printKthChild(root.child[i], P, k);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.child[0] = new Node('B');
        root.child[1] = new Node('C');
        root.child[2] = new Node('D');
        root.child[3] = new Node('E');
        root.child[0].child[0] = new Node('F');
        root.child[0].child[1] = new Node('G');
        root.child[2].child[0] = new Node('H');
        root.child[0].child[0].child[0] = new Node('I');
        root.child[0].child[0].child[1] = new Node('J');
        root.child[0].child[0].child[2] = new Node('K');
        root.child[2].child[0].child[0] = new Node('L');
        root.child[2].child[0].child[1] = new Node('M');
        // Print F's 2nd child
        char P = 'F';
        Console.Write("F's second child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 2);
        P = 'A';
        Console.Write("A's seventh child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 7);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

// C++ program to find k-th child of a given
// Node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
using namespace std;
// A Node to represent left child right sibling
// representation.
class Node
    char val;
    Node *child;
    Node *next;
    Node(char P)
        val = P;
        child = NULL;
        next = NULL;
// Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
// child of P.
void printKthChild(Node *root, char P, int k)
    if (root == NULL)
    // If P is present at root itself
    if (root->val == P)
        // Traverse children of root starting
        // from left child
        Node *t = root->child;
        int i = 1;
        while (t != NULL && i < k)
            t = t->next;
        if (t == NULL)
            cout << "Error : Does not exist\n";
            cout << t->val << " " << endl;
    printKthChild(root->child, P, k);
    printKthChild(root->next, P, k);
// Driver code
int main()
    Node *root = new Node('A');
    root->child = new Node('B');
    root->child->next = new Node('C');
    root->child->next->next = new Node('D');
    root->child->next->next->next = new Node('E');
    root->child->child = new Node('F');
    root->child->child->next = new Node('G');
    root->child->next->next->child = new Node('H');
    root->child->next->next->child->child = new Node('L');
    root->child->next->next->child->child->next = new Node('M');
    root->child->child->child = new Node('I');
    root->child->child->child->next = new Node('J');
    root->child->child->child->next->next = new Node('K');
    // Print F's 2nd child
    char P = 'F';
    cout << "F's second child is : ";
    printKthChild(root, P, 2);
    P = 'A';
    cout << "A's seventh child is : ";
    printKthChild(root, P, 7);
    return 0;

// Java program to find k-th child of a given
// Node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
class GFG 
    // A Node to represent left child 
    // right sibling representation.
    static class Node 
        char val;
        Node child;
        Node next;
        Node(char P) 
            val = P;
            child = null;
            next = null;
    // Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
    // child of P.
    static void printKthChild(Node root, char P, int k) 
        if (root == null)
        // If P is present at root itself
        if (root.val == P) 
            // Traverse children of root starting
            // from left child
            Node t = root.child;
            int i = 1;
            while (t != null && i < k) 
                t = t.next;
            if (t == null)
                System.out.print("Error : Does not exist\n");
                System.out.print(t.val + " " + "\n");
        printKthChild(root.child, P, k);
        printKthChild(root.next, P, k);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.child = new Node('B');
        root.child.next = new Node('C');
        root.child.next.next = new Node('D');
        root.child.next.next.next = new Node('E');
        root.child.child = new Node('F');
        root.child.child.next = new Node('G');
        root.child.next.next.child = new Node('H');
        root.child.next.next.child.child = new Node('L');
        root.child.next.next.child.child.next = new Node('M');
        root.child.child.child = new Node('I');
        root.child.child.child.next = new Node('J');
        root.child.child.child.next.next = new Node('K');
        // Print F's 2nd child
        char P = 'F';
        System.out.print("F's second child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 2);
        P = 'A';
        System.out.print("A's seventh child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 7);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

// C# program to find k-th child of a given
// Node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
using System;
class GFG 
    // A Node to represent left child 
    // right sibling representation.
    public class Node 
        public char val;
        public Node child;
        public Node next;
        public Node(char P) 
            val = P;
            child = null;
            next = null;
    // Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
    // child of P.
    static void printKthChild(Node root,            
                              char P, int k) 
        if (root == null)
        // If P is present at root itself
        if (root.val == P) 
            // Traverse children of root starting
            // from left child
            Node t = root.child;
            int i = 1;
            while (t != null && i < k) 
                t = t.next;
            if (t == null)
                Console.Write("Error : Does not exist\n");
                Console.Write(t.val + " " + "\n");
        printKthChild(root.child, P, k);
        printKthChild(root.next, P, k);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.child = new Node('B');
        root.child.next = new Node('C');
        root.child.next.next = new Node('D');
        root.child.next.next.next = new Node('E');
        root.child.child = new Node('F');
        root.child.child.next = new Node('G');
        root.child.next.next.child = new Node('H');
        root.child.next.next.child.child = new Node('L');
        root.child.next.next.child.child.next = new Node('M');
        root.child.child.child = new Node('I');
        root.child.child.child.next = new Node('J');
        root.child.child.child.next.next = new Node('K');
        // Print F's 2nd child
        char P = 'F';
        Console.Write("F's second child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 2);
        P = 'A';
        Console.Write("A's seventh child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 7);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


F's second child is : J
A's seventh child is : Error : Does not exist


方法2 :(左子右兄弟同胞表示)


下图是上面使用的示例的Left-Child Right-Sibling等效项。



// C++ program to find k-th child of a given
// Node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
using namespace std;
// A Node to represent left child right sibling
// representation.
class Node
    char val;
    Node *child;
    Node *next;
    Node(char P)
        val = P;
        child = NULL;
        next = NULL;
// Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
// child of P.
void printKthChild(Node *root, char P, int k)
    if (root == NULL)
    // If P is present at root itself
    if (root->val == P)
        // Traverse children of root starting
        // from left child
        Node *t = root->child;
        int i = 1;
        while (t != NULL && i < k)
            t = t->next;
        if (t == NULL)
            cout << "Error : Does not exist\n";
            cout << t->val << " " << endl;
    printKthChild(root->child, P, k);
    printKthChild(root->next, P, k);
// Driver code
int main()
    Node *root = new Node('A');
    root->child = new Node('B');
    root->child->next = new Node('C');
    root->child->next->next = new Node('D');
    root->child->next->next->next = new Node('E');
    root->child->child = new Node('F');
    root->child->child->next = new Node('G');
    root->child->next->next->child = new Node('H');
    root->child->next->next->child->child = new Node('L');
    root->child->next->next->child->child->next = new Node('M');
    root->child->child->child = new Node('I');
    root->child->child->child->next = new Node('J');
    root->child->child->child->next->next = new Node('K');
    // Print F's 2nd child
    char P = 'F';
    cout << "F's second child is : ";
    printKthChild(root, P, 2);
    P = 'A';
    cout << "A's seventh child is : ";
    printKthChild(root, P, 7);
    return 0;


// Java program to find k-th child of a given
// Node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
class GFG 
    // A Node to represent left child 
    // right sibling representation.
    static class Node 
        char val;
        Node child;
        Node next;
        Node(char P) 
            val = P;
            child = null;
            next = null;
    // Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
    // child of P.
    static void printKthChild(Node root, char P, int k) 
        if (root == null)
        // If P is present at root itself
        if (root.val == P) 
            // Traverse children of root starting
            // from left child
            Node t = root.child;
            int i = 1;
            while (t != null && i < k) 
                t = t.next;
            if (t == null)
                System.out.print("Error : Does not exist\n");
                System.out.print(t.val + " " + "\n");
        printKthChild(root.child, P, k);
        printKthChild(root.next, P, k);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.child = new Node('B');
        root.child.next = new Node('C');
        root.child.next.next = new Node('D');
        root.child.next.next.next = new Node('E');
        root.child.child = new Node('F');
        root.child.child.next = new Node('G');
        root.child.next.next.child = new Node('H');
        root.child.next.next.child.child = new Node('L');
        root.child.next.next.child.child.next = new Node('M');
        root.child.child.child = new Node('I');
        root.child.child.child.next = new Node('J');
        root.child.child.child.next.next = new Node('K');
        // Print F's 2nd child
        char P = 'F';
        System.out.print("F's second child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 2);
        P = 'A';
        System.out.print("A's seventh child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 7);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// C# program to find k-th child of a given
// Node using typical representation that uses
// an array of pointers.
using System;
class GFG 
    // A Node to represent left child 
    // right sibling representation.
    public class Node 
        public char val;
        public Node child;
        public Node next;
        public Node(char P) 
            val = P;
            child = null;
            next = null;
    // Traverses given n-ary tree to find K-th
    // child of P.
    static void printKthChild(Node root,            
                              char P, int k) 
        if (root == null)
        // If P is present at root itself
        if (root.val == P) 
            // Traverse children of root starting
            // from left child
            Node t = root.child;
            int i = 1;
            while (t != null && i < k) 
                t = t.next;
            if (t == null)
                Console.Write("Error : Does not exist\n");
                Console.Write(t.val + " " + "\n");
        printKthChild(root.child, P, k);
        printKthChild(root.next, P, k);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.child = new Node('B');
        root.child.next = new Node('C');
        root.child.next.next = new Node('D');
        root.child.next.next.next = new Node('E');
        root.child.child = new Node('F');
        root.child.child.next = new Node('G');
        root.child.next.next.child = new Node('H');
        root.child.next.next.child.child = new Node('L');
        root.child.next.next.child.child.next = new Node('M');
        root.child.child.child = new Node('I');
        root.child.child.child.next = new Node('J');
        root.child.child.child.next.next = new Node('K');
        // Print F's 2nd child
        char P = 'F';
        Console.Write("F's second child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 2);
        P = 'A';
        Console.Write("A's seventh child is : ");
        printKthChild(root, P, 7);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


F's second child is : J
A's seventh child is : Error : Does not exist
