📜  writeYaml (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:35.170000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to WriteYaml

WriteYaml is a library in Python that allows developers to easily write YAML files. YAML is a human-readable data serialization format that is commonly used for configuration files, data exchange, and in applications where data needs to be persisted.

The library is a simple and straightforward tool that can be easily incorporated into your project. It has a minimalistic approach and prioritizes ease of use and flexibility over complexity. It also offers several features that make it stand out from other YAML-writing libraries.


Below are some of the features that WriteYaml offers:

  1. Ease of use: WriteYaml offers a user-friendly interface that makes writing YAML files easy and intuitive. You are not required to have any prior knowledge of YAML to use this library.

  2. Flexibility: With WriteYaml, you can easily configure and customize your YAML files to suit your specific needs. It offers multiple configuration options to give you full control over your file.

  3. Error handling: WriteYaml offers error handling capabilities that detect and alert you to potential errors in your YAML files.

  4. Compatibility: WriteYaml is compatible with Python 2 and 3, which makes it adaptable to your development environment.


To install WriteYaml, you can use pip, which is the package installer for Python:

pip install writeyaml
Writing YAML files with WriteYaml

To write a YAML file using WriteYaml, you will need to import the library and create a new instance of the WriteYaml class. You can use the following code snippet as a starting point:

from writeyaml import WriteYaml

wy = WriteYaml()

Once you have created an instance of the WriteYaml class, you can begin writing your YAML file. WriteYaml objects act as a file object and have the same methods as file objects, such as .write(), writelines(), and .close().

Here's an example of how to write a simple YAML file:

from writeyaml import WriteYaml

wy = WriteYaml()

wy.write("name: John\n")
wy.write("age: 42\n")
wy.write("occupation: software engineer\n")


This will create a YAML file with the following content:

name: John
age: 42
occupation: software engineer
Customizing WriteYaml

WriteYaml has several customization options that allow you to configure your YAML file to your specific needs.

You can specify the filename and the mode of the file using the filename and mode parameters when creating an instance of the WriteYaml class. The default filename is output.yaml and the default mode is w+.

from writeyaml import WriteYaml

wy = WriteYaml(filename="my_file.yaml", mode="a")

You can also set the indentation level for the YAML file using the indent parameter. The default indentation level is 2.

from writeyaml import WriteYaml

wy = WriteYaml(indent=4)

Additionally, you can set a custom delimiter for key-value pairs using the delimiter parameter. The default delimiter is :.

from writeyaml import WriteYaml

wy = WriteYaml(delimiter="=>")

WriteYaml is a straightforward and easy-to-use library that allows developers to easily write YAML files. It offers several features that make it stand out from other YAML-writing libraries, including ease of use, flexibility, error handling, and compatibility. With WriteYaml, you can easily configure and customize your YAML files to suit your specific needs.