NseTools – 获取公司适用的利润
在本文中,我们将了解如何使用 nsetools 获得给定公司的适用保证金。 Nsetools是一个用于从印度国家证券交易所收集实时数据的库。股票报价是在交易所报价的股票价格。特定股票的基本报价提供信息,例如其买入价和卖出价、最后交易价格和交易量。对于以交易为目的的证券 - 监控部分(TFT-S 部分),适用的预付保证金率(VaR 保证金 + 极端亏损保证金)为 100%,并且每笔交易都根据该证券的收盘价进行盯市。
Steps to get the Stock Quote
1. Import the Nse from nsetools
2. Create a Nse object
3. From the Nse object get the stock quote with the help of get_quote method with the NSE Stock code of the company
4. Get the applicable margin from the quote with the help of ‘applicableMargin’ key
5. Print the applicable margin value
# importing nse from nse tools
from nsetools import Nse
# creating a Nse object
nse = Nse()
# nse stock code for wipro
code = "wipro"
# getting stock quote
quote = nse.get_quote(code)
# getting applicable margin
value = quote['applicableMargin']
# printing applicable margin
print("Applicable Margin : " + str(value))
# importing nse from nse tools
from nsetools import Nse
# creating a Nse object
nse = Nse()
# nse stock code for hdfc
code = "hdfcbank"
# getting stock quote
quote = nse.get_quote(code)
# getting applicable margin
value = quote['applicableMargin']
# printing applicable margin
print("Applicable Margin : " + str(value))
输出 :
Applicable Margin : 19.23
# importing nse from nse tools
from nsetools import Nse
# creating a Nse object
nse = Nse()
# nse stock code for hdfc
code = "hdfcbank"
# getting stock quote
quote = nse.get_quote(code)
# getting applicable margin
value = quote['applicableMargin']
# printing applicable margin
print("Applicable Margin : " + str(value))
输出 :
Applicable Margin : 18.2