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📜  bash: nvm: command not found - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:30.314000             🧑  作者: Mango

bash: nvm: command not found - Shell-Bash


In this topic, we will discuss the error message "bash: nvm: command not found" that frequently occurs in the Shell (Bash) programming language. We will explore the reasons behind this error and suggest potential solutions to fix it.

Error Message

The error message "bash: nvm: command not found" typically occurs when attempting to use the nvm command in the Bash shell. NVM (Node Version Manager) is a tool used to manage multiple versions of Node.js on a single machine. This error indicates that the nvm command is not recognized as a valid command by the shell.


There are several possible causes for the "bash: nvm: command not found" error:

  1. NVM not installed: The error occurs when NVM is not installed on the system. NVM needs to be installed and configured properly before using the nvm command.
  2. PATH not properly set: If NVM is installed but the PATH environment variable is not configured correctly, the shell will not be able to find the nvm command.
  3. Shell configuration issue: There might be an issue with the shell's configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile). The configuration file might be missing or not properly sourced, preventing the shell from recognizing the nvm command.

To fix the "bash: nvm: command not found" error, we can try the following solutions:

1. Install NVM

If NVM is not installed, we need to install it first. NVM installation instructions can be found on the NVM GitHub repository. Follow the instructions specific to your operating system to install NVM successfully.

2. Configure PATH

Ensure that the PATH environment variable is properly set to include the location of the NVM executable. The NVM installation process typically adds the necessary lines to the shell's configuration file. Verify that the configuration file contains the appropriate exports for NVM. For example:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm

If the lines are missing, add them to the configuration file manually and save the changes. Then, restart the shell or run source <config_file> to reload the configuration.

3. Check Shell Configuration

Ensure that the shell's configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile) exists in the user's home directory. If the file is missing, create it.

If the shell's configuration file exists, check if it contains any lines related to NVM. If the lines are missing, add them following the instructions mentioned in the previous solution.

4. Verify NVM Installation

After applying the above solutions, open a new shell window or tab and check if the "bash: nvm: command not found" error persists. Run the following command to verify if NVM is installed correctly:

nvm --version

If the correct version is displayed, then NVM is successfully installed and configured.


The "bash: nvm: command not found" error in Shell (Bash) occurs when the nvm command is not recognized. This can happen due to the absence of NVM, incorrect PATH configuration, or issues with the shell's configuration.

By following the suggested solutions, we can resolve the error and successfully use NVM to manage different versions of Node.js in the Shell (Bash) environment.