- 在DLL的前面添加一个节点:新节点总是添加在给定链表的开头之前。并且新添加的节点成为DLL的新负责人,并维护一个全局变量以计算当时的节点总数。
- 遍历双链表
- 插入节点:这可以通过三种方式完成:
- 在开始处:将新创建的节点插入到头节点之前,并且头指向新节点。
- 最后:将新创建的节点插入到列表的末尾,并指向新节点。
- 在给定位置:将给定DLL遍历到该位置(让节点为X ),然后执行以下操作:
- 将新节点的下一个指针更改为节点X的下一个指针。
- 将节点X的下一个节点的上一个指针更改为新节点。
- 将节点X的下一个指针更改为新的Node。
- 将新节点的上一个指针更改为节点X。
- 删除节点:这可以通过三种方式完成:
- 在开头:将头移到下一个节点以删除开头的节点,并使当前头的上一个指针为NULL。
- 最后:将tail移至上一个节点,以删除该节点的末尾,并使tail节点的下一个指针为NULL。
- 在给定位置:假设位置pos上的Node的上一个节点为Node X,下一个节点为Node Y,然后执行以下操作:
- 将节点X的下一个指针更改为节点Y。
- 将节点Y的前一个指针更改为节点X。
// C program to implement all functions
// used in Doubly Linked List
int i = 0;
// Node for Doubly Linked List
typedef struct node {
int key;
struct node* prev;
struct node* next;
} node;
// Head, Tail, first & temp Node
node* head = NULL;
node* first = NULL;
node* temp = NULL;
node* tail = NULL;
// Function to add a node in the
// Doubly Linked List
void addnode(int k)
// Allocating memory
// to the Node ptr
node* ptr
= (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
// Assign Key to value k
ptr->key = k;
// Next and prev pointer to NULL
ptr->next = NULL;
ptr->prev = NULL;
// If Linked List is empty
if (head == NULL) {
head = ptr;
first = head;
tail = head;
// Else insert at the end of the
// Linked List
else {
temp = ptr;
first->next = temp;
temp->prev = first;
first = temp;
tail = temp;
// Increment for number of Nodes
// in the Doubly Linked List
// Function to traverse the Doubly
// Linked List
void traverse()
// Nodes points towards head node
node* ptr = head;
// While pointer is not NULL,
// traverse and print the node
while (ptr != NULL) {
// Print key of the node
printf("%d ", ptr->key);
ptr = ptr->next;
// Function to insert a node at the
// beginning of the linked list
void insertatbegin(int k)
// Allocating memory
// to the Node ptr
node* ptr
= (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
// Assign Key to value k
ptr->key = k;
// Next and prev pointer to NULL
ptr->next = NULL;
ptr->prev = NULL;
// If head is NULL
if (head == NULL) {
first = ptr;
first = head;
tail = head;
// Else insert at beginning and
// change the head to current node
else {
temp = ptr;
temp->next = head;
head->prev = temp;
head = temp;
// Function to insert Node at end
void insertatend(int k)
// Allocating memory
// to the Node ptr
node* ptr
= (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
// Assign Key to value k
ptr->key = k;
// Next and prev pointer to NULL
ptr->next = NULL;
ptr->prev = NULL;
// If head is NULL
if (head == NULL) {
first = ptr;
first = head;
tail = head;
// Else insert at the end
else {
temp = ptr;
temp->prev = tail;
tail->next = temp;
tail = temp;
// Function to insert Node at any
// position pos
void insertatpos(int k, int pos)
// For Invalid Position
if (pos < 1 || pos > i + 1) {
printf("Please enter a"
" valid position\n");
// If position is at the front,
// then call insertatbegin()
else if (pos == 1) {
// Postion is at length of Linked
// list + 1, then insert at the end
else if (pos == i + 1) {
// Else traverse till position pos
// and insert the Node
else {
node* src = head;
// Move head pointer to pos
while (pos--) {
src = src->next;
// Allocate memory to new Node
node **da, **ba;
node* ptr
= (node*)malloc(
ptr->next = NULL;
ptr->prev = NULL;
ptr->key = k;
// Change the previous and next
// pointer of the nodes inserted
// with previous and next node
ba = &src;
da = &(src->prev);
ptr->next = (*ba);
ptr->prev = (*da);
(*da)->next = ptr;
(*ba)->prev = ptr;
// Function to delete node at the
// beginning of the list
void delatbegin()
// Move head to next and
// decrease length by 1
head = head->next;
// Function to delete at the end
// of the list
void delatend()
// Mode tail to the prev and
// decrease length by 1
tail = tail->prev;
tail->next = NULL;
// Function to delete the node at
// a given position pos
void delatpos(int pos)
// If invalid position
if (pos < 1 || pos > i + 1) {
printf("Please enter a"
" valid position\n");
// If position is 1, then
// call delatbegin()
else if (pos == 1) {
// If position is at the end, then
// call delatend()
else if (pos == i) {
// Else traverse till pos, and
// delete the node at pos
else {
// Src node to find which
// node to be deleted
node* src = head;
// Traverse node till pos
while (pos--) {
src = src->next;
// previous and after node
// of the src node
node **pre, **aft;
pre = &(src->prev);
aft = &(src->next);
// Change the next and prev
// pointer of pre and aft node
(*pre)->next = (*aft);
(*aft)->prev = (*pre);
// Decrease the length of the
// Linked List
// Driver Code
int main()
// Adding node to the linked List
// To print the linked List
printf("Linked List: ");
// To insert node at the beginning
printf("Linked List after"
" inserting 1 "
"at beginning: ");
// To insert at the end
printf("Linked List after "
"inserting 0 at end: ");
// To insert Node with
// value 44 after 3rd Node
insertatpos(44, 3);
printf("Linked List after "
"inserting 44 "
"after 3rd Node: ");
// To delete node at the beginning
printf("Linked List after "
"deleting node "
"at beginning: ");
// To delete at the end
printf("Linked List after "
"deleting node at end: ");
// To delete Node at position 5
printf("Linked List after "
"deleting node "
"at position 5: ");
return 0;
Linked List: 2 4 9 1 21 22
Linked List after inserting 1 at beginning: 1 2 4 9 1 21 22
Linked List after inserting 0 at end: 1 2 4 9 1 21 22 0
Linked List after inserting 44 after 3rd Node: 1 2 4 44 9 1 21 22 0
Linked List after deleting node at beginning: 2 4 44 9 1 21 22 0
Linked List after deleting node at end: 2 4 44 9 1 21 22
Linked List after deleting node at position 5: 2 4 44 9 21 22