📜  字典序上的第一个回文字符串

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:06.807000             🧑  作者: Mango




Input : malayalam
Output : aalmymlaa

Input : apple
Output : no palindromic string

1. 按字母(升序)顺序对字符串字符进行排序。
2. 一个是按字典顺序查找给定字符串的下一个排列。
3. 第一个回文排列就是答案。

1. 如果字符串的长度是偶数,那么字符串中每个字符出现的频率一定是偶数。
2. 如果长度为奇数,则应该有一个字符的频率为奇数,所有其他字符的频率必须为偶数,并且字符串中间必须至少出现一次奇数字符。

1. 存储给定字符串中每个字符的频率
2. 使用上述回文字符串的属性,检查是否可以形成回文字符串。
3、如果不能形成回文字符串,返回“No Palindromic String”。
4. 否则我们创建三个字符串,然后返回front_str + odd_str + rear_str。

  • odd_str :如果没有奇数频率的字符,则为空。否则它包含所有出现的奇数字符。
  • front_str :按升序包含字符串中所有偶数出现的字符的一半。
  • back_str包含字符串中所有偶数出现的字符的一半,与 front_str 的顺序相反。


      // C++ program to find first palindromic permutation
      // of given string
      using namespace std;
      const char MAX_CHAR = 26;
      // Function to count frequency of each char in the
      // string. freq[0] for 'a',...., freq[25] for 'z'
      void countFreq(string str, int freq[], int len)
          for (int i=0; i 0)
                  return false;
                  return true;
          // For odd length string
          // one odd freq character
          if (count_odd != 1)
              return false;
          return true;
      // Function to find odd freq char and
      // reducing its freq by 1returns "" if odd freq
      // char is not present
      string findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(int freq[])
          string odd_str = "";
          for (int i=0; i

      // Java program to find first palindromic permutation
      // of given string
      class GFG {
          static char MAX_CHAR = 26;
          // Function to count frequency of each char in the
          // string. freq[0] for 'a',...., freq[25] for 'z'
          static void countFreq(String str, int freq[], int len)
              for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                  freq[str.charAt(i) - 'a']++;
          // Cases to check whether a palindr0mic
          // string can be formed or not
          static boolean canMakePalindrome(int freq[], int len) 
              // count_odd to count no of
              // chars with odd frequency
              int count_odd = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
                  if (freq[i] % 2 != 0)
              // For even length string
              // no odd freq character
              if (len % 2 == 0)
                  if (count_odd > 0) 
                      return false;
                      return true;
              // For odd length string
              // one odd freq character
              if (count_odd != 1) 
                  return false;
              return true;
          // Function to find odd freq char and
          // reducing its freq by 1returns "" if odd freq
          // char is not present
          static String findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(int freq[]) 
              String odd_str = "";
              for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
                  if (freq[i] % 2 != 0)
                      odd_str = odd_str + (char) (i + 'a');
                      return odd_str;
              return odd_str;
          // To find lexicographically first palindromic
          // string.
          static String findPalindromicString(String str) 
              int len = str.length();
              int freq[] = new int[MAX_CHAR];
              countFreq(str, freq, len);
              if (!canMakePalindrome(freq, len))
                  return "No Palindromic String";
              // Assigning odd freq character if present
              // else empty string.
              String odd_str = findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(freq);
              String front_str = "", rear_str = " ";
              // Traverse characters in increasing order
              for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
                  String temp = "";
                  if (freq[i] != 0)
                      char ch = (char) (i + 'a');
                      // Divide all occurrences into two
                      // halves. Note that odd character
                      // is removed by findOddAndRemoveItsFreq()
                      for (int j = 1; j <= freq[i] / 2; j++) 
                          temp = temp + ch;
                      // creating front string
                      front_str = front_str + temp;
                      // creating rear string
                      rear_str = temp + rear_str;
              // Final palindromic string which is
              // lexicographically first
              return (front_str + odd_str + rear_str);
          // Driver program
          public static void main(String[] args) 
              String str = "malayalam";
      // This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

      # Python3 program to find first palindromic permutation
      # of given string
      MAX_CHAR = 26;
      # Function to count frequency of each char in the
      # string. freq[0] for 'a',...., freq[25] for 'z'
      def countFreq(str1, freq, len1):
          for i in range(len1):
              freq[ord(str1[i]) - ord('a')] += 1;
      # Cases to check whether a palindr0mic
      # string can be formed or not
      def canMakePalindrome(freq, len1):
          # count_odd to count no of
          # chars with odd frequency
          count_odd = 0;
          for i in range(MAX_CHAR):
              if (freq[i] % 2 != 0):
                  count_odd += 1;
          # For even length string
          # no odd freq character
          if (len1 % 2 == 0):
              if (count_odd > 0):
                  return False;
                  return True;
          # For odd length string
          # one odd freq character
          if (count_odd != 1):
              return False;
          return True;
      # Function to find odd freq char and
      # reducing its freq by 1returns "" if odd freq
      # char is not present
      def findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(freq):
          odd_str = "";
          for i in range(MAX_CHAR):
              if (freq[i]%2 != 0):
                  odd_str += chr(i+ord('a'));
                  return odd_str;
          return odd_str;
      # To find lexicographically first palindromic
      # string.
      def findPalindromicString(str1):
          len1 = len(str1);
          countFreq(str1, freq, len1);
          if (canMakePalindrome(freq, len1) == False):
              return "No Palindromic String";
          # Assigning odd freq character if present
          # else empty string.
          odd_str = findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(freq);
          front_str = "";
          rear_str = " ";
          # Traverse characters in increasing order
          for i in range(MAX_CHAR):
              temp = "";
              if (freq[i] != 0):
                  ch = chr(i + ord('a'));
                  # Divide all occurrences into two
                  # halves. Note that odd character
                  # is removed by findOddAndRemoveItsFreq()
                  for j in range(1,int(freq[i]/2)+1):
                      temp += ch;
                  # creating front string
                  front_str += temp;
                  # creating rear string
                  rear_str = temp+rear_str;
          # Final palindromic string which is
          # lexicographically first
          return (front_str + odd_str+rear_str);
      # Driver code
      str1 = "malayalam";
      # This code is contributed by mits

      // C# program to find first palindromic permutation
      // of given string
      using System;
      class GFG 
          static int MAX_CHAR = 26;
          // Function to count frequency of each char in the
          // string. freq[0] for 'a',...., freq[25] for 'z'
          static void countFreq(string str, int[] freq, int len)
              for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                  freq[str[i] - 'a']++;
          // Cases to check whether a palindr0mic
          // string can be formed or not
          static bool canMakePalindrome(int[] freq, int len) 
              // count_odd to count no of
              // chars with odd frequency
              int count_odd = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
                  if (freq[i] % 2 != 0)
              // For even length string
              // no odd freq character
              if (len % 2 == 0)
                  if (count_odd > 0) 
                      return false;
                      return true;
              // For odd length string
              // one odd freq character
              if (count_odd != 1) 
                  return false;
              return true;
          // Function to find odd freq char and
          // reducing its freq by 1returns "" if odd freq
          // char is not present
          static string findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(int[] freq) 
              string odd_str = "";
              for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
                  if (freq[i] % 2 != 0)
                      odd_str = odd_str + (char) (i + 'a');
                      return odd_str;
              return odd_str;
          // To find lexicographically first 
          // palindromic string.
          static string findPalindromicString(string str) 
              int len = str.Length;
              int[] freq = new int[MAX_CHAR];
              countFreq(str, freq, len);
              if (!canMakePalindrome(freq, len))
                  return "No Palindromic String";
              // Assigning odd freq character if present
              // else empty string.
              string odd_str = findOddAndRemoveItsFreq(freq);
              string front_str = "", rear_str = " ";
              // Traverse characters in increasing order
              for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
                  String temp = "";
                  if (freq[i] != 0)
                      char ch = (char) (i + 'a');
                      // Divide all occurrences into two
                      // halves. Note that odd character
                      // is removed by findOddAndRemoveItsFreq()
                      for (int j = 1; j <= freq[i] / 2; j++) 
                          temp = temp + ch;
                      // creating front string
                      front_str = front_str + temp;
                      // creating rear string
                      rear_str = temp + rear_str;
              // Final palindromic string which is
              // lexicographically first
              return (front_str + odd_str + rear_str);
          // Driver code
          public static void Main() 
              string str = "malayalam";
      // This code is contributed by Ita_c.

                  return false;
                  return true;
          // For odd length string
          // one odd freq character
          if ($count_odd != 1)
              return false;
          return true;
      // Function to find odd freq char and
      // reducing its freq by 1returns "" if odd freq
      // char is not present
      function findOddAndRemoveItsFreq($freq)
          global $MAX_CHAR;
          $odd_str = "";
          for ($i = 0; $i < $MAX_CHAR; $i++)
              if ($freq[$i] % 2 != 0)
                  $odd_str .= chr($i+ord('a'));
                  return $odd_str;
          return $odd_str;
      // To find lexicographically first palindromic
      // string.
      function findPalindromicString($str)
          global $MAX_CHAR;
          $len = strlen($str);
          $freq=array_fill(0, $MAX_CHAR, 0);
          countFreq($str, $freq, $len);
          if (!canMakePalindrome($freq, $len))
              return "No Palindromic String";
          // Assigning odd freq character if present
          // else empty string.
          $odd_str = findOddAndRemoveItsFreq($freq);
          $front_str = "";
          $rear_str = " ";
          // Traverse characters in increasing order
          for ($i = 0; $i < $MAX_CHAR; $i++)
              $temp = "";
              if ($freq[$i] != 0)
                  $ch = chr($i + ord('a'));
                  // Divide all occurrences into two
                  // halves. Note that odd character
                  // is removed by findOddAndRemoveItsFreq()
                  for ($j = 1; $j <= (int)($freq[$i]/2); $j++)
                      $temp .= $ch;
                  // creating front string
                  $front_str .= $temp;
                  // creating rear string
                  $rear_str = $temp.$rear_str;
          // Final palindromic string which is
          // lexicographically first
          return ($front_str.$odd_str.$rear_str);
      // Driver code
      $str = "malayalam";
      echo findPalindromicString($str);
      // This code is contributed by mits



    时间复杂度: O(n) 其中 n 是输入字符串的长度。假设字符串字母的大小是恒定的。