R – 矢量
在数据科学、统计计算或科学研究方面,R 编程是最流行的语言之一。 R 编程广泛用于机器学习,它非常高效且用户友好。它提供了使用几行代码进行大型统计操作的灵活性。
R中的向量与C语言中的数组相同,用于保存相同类型的多个数据值。一个主要的关键点是,在 R 中,向量的索引将从“1”开始,而不是从“0”开始。我们也可以创建数字向量和字符向量。
向量具有 R 中使用的不同类型。以下是一些向量类型:
- 数值向量
数值向量是那些包含数值的向量,例如整数、浮点数等。# R program to create numeric Vectors # creation of vectors using c() function. v1 <- c(4, 5, 6, 7) # display type of vector typeof(v1) # by using 'L' we can specify that we want integer values. v2 <- c(1L, 4L, 2L, 5L) # display type of vector typeof(v2)
[1] "double" [1] "integer"
- 字符向量
字符向量包含字母数字值和特殊字符。# R program to create Character Vectors # by default numeric values # are converted into characters v1 <- c('geeks', '2', 'hello', 57) # Displaying type of vector typeof(v1)
[1] "character"
- 逻辑向量
对于 Null 值,逻辑向量包含布尔值,例如 TRUE、FALSE 和 NA。# R program to create Logical Vectors # Creating logical vector # using c() function v1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NA) # Displaying type of vector typeof(v1)
[1] "logical"
# R program to create Vectors
# we can use the c function
# to combine the values as a vector.
# By default the type will be double
X <- c(61, 4, 21, 67, 89, 2)
cat('using c function', X, '\n')
# seq() function for creating
# a sequence of continuous values.
# length.out defines the length of vector.
Y <- seq(1, 10, length.out = 5)
cat('using seq() function', Y, '\n')
# use':' to create a vector
# of continuous values.
Z <- 2:7
cat('using colon', Z)
using c function 61 4 21 67 89 2
using seq() function 1 3.25 5.5 7.75 10
using colon 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: Vectors in R are 1 based indexing unlike the normal C, python, etc format.
# R program to access elements of a Vector
# accessing elements with an index number.
X <- c(2, 5, 18, 1, 12)
cat('Using Subscript operator', X[2], '\n')
# by passing a range of values
# inside the vector index.
Y <- c(4, 8, 2, 1, 17)
cat('Using combine() function', Y[c(4, 1)], '\n')
# using logical expressions
Z <- c(5, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3)
cat('Using Logical indexing', Z[Z>4])
Using Subscript operator 5
Using combine() function 1 4
Using Logical indexing 5
# R program to modify elements of a Vector
# Creating a vector
X <- c(2, 7, 9, 7, 8, 2)
# modify a specific element
X[3] <- 1
X[2] <-9
cat('subscript operator', X, '\n')
# Modify using different logics.
X[X>5] <- 0
cat('Logical indexing', X, '\n')
# Modify by specifying
# the position or elements.
X <- X[c(3, 2, 1)]
cat('combine() function', X)
subscript operator 2 9 1 7 8 2
Logical indexing 2 0 1 0 0 2
combine() function 1 0 2
向量的删除是删除向量的所有元素的过程。这可以通过将其分配给 NULL 值来完成。
# R program to delete a Vector
# Creating a Vector
M <- c(8, 10, 2, 5)
# set NULL to the vector
cat('Output vector', M)
Output vector NULL
# R program to sort elements of a Vector
# Creation of Vector
X <- c(8, 2, 7, 1, 11, 2)
# Sort in ascending order
A <- sort(X)
cat('ascending order', A, '\n')
# sort in descending order
# by setting decreasing as TRUE
B <- sort(X, decreasing = TRUE)
cat('descending order', B)
ascending order 1 2 2 7 8 11
descending order 11 8 7 2 2 1