📜  在线检查回文的在线算法

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-27 18:22:14             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个字符流(字符被一个接一个地接收),编写一个函数,如果一个字符构成完整的字符串回文,则输出“ Yes”,否则输出“ No”。


Input: str[] = "abcba"
Output: a Yes   // "a" is palindrome
        b No    // "ab" is not palindrome
        c No    // "abc" is not palindrome
        b No    // "abcb" is not palindrome
        a Yes   // "abcba" is palindrome

Input: str[] = "aabaacaabaa"
Output:  a Yes   // "a" is palindrome
         a Yes   // "aa" is palindrome
         b No    // "aab" is not palindrome 
         a No    // "aaba" is not palindrome  
         a Yes   // "aabaa" is palindrome  
         c No    // "aabaac" is not palindrome  
         a No    // "aabaaca" is not palindrome  
         a No    // "aabaacaa" is not palindrome  
         b No    // "aabaacaab" is not palindrome  
         a No    // "aabaacaaba" is not palindrome  
         a Yes   // "aabaacaabaa" is palindrome  

令输入字符串为str [0..n-1]。一个简单的解决方案是对输入字符串的每个字符str [i]进行跟踪。检查子字符串str [0…i]是否是回文,然后打印是,否则打印否。

更好的解决方案是使用Rabin Karp算法中使用的滚动哈希的思想。这个想法是跟踪每个索引的上半部分和下半部分的倒数(我们也使用上半部分和下半部分的倒数)。下面是完整的算法。

1) The first character is always a palindrome, so print yes for 
     first character.

  2) Initialize reverse of first half as "a" and second half as "b".  
     Let the hash value of first half reverse be 'firstr' and that of 
     second half be 'second'.

  3) Iterate through string starting from second character, do following
      for every character str[i], i.e., i varies from 1 to n-1.
     a) If 'firstr' and 'second' are same, then character by character 
        check the substring ending with current character and print 
        "Yes" if palindrome.
        Note that if hash values match, then strings need not be same.
        For example, hash values of "ab" and "ba" are same, but strings
        are different. That is why we check complete string after hash.

     b) Update 'firstr' and 'second' for next iteration.  
           If 'i' is even, then add next character to the beginning of 
                           'firstr' and end of second half and update 
                            hash values.
           If 'i' is odd,  then keep 'firstr' as it is, remove leading 
                           character from second and append a next 
                           character at end.

让我们查看所有步骤,例如字符串“ abcba

“ firstr”和“ second”的初始值
firstr’=哈希(“ a”),“ second” =哈希(“ b”)

我= 1
b)计算下一次迭代的哈希值,即,i = 2
由于i为奇数,因此“ firstr”不变,并且“ second”变为哈希(“ c”)

我= 2
b)计算下一次迭代的哈希值,即,i = 3
由于我是偶数,因此“ firstr”成为哈希(“ ba”),“ second”成为哈希(“ cb”)

我= 3
b)计算下一次迭代的哈希值,即,i = 4
由于i为奇数,因此“ firstr”不变,并且“ second”变为哈希(“ ba”)

我= 4



// C program for online algorithm for palindrome checking
// d is the number of characters in input alphabet
#define d 256
// q is a prime number used for evaluating Rabin Karp's Rolling hash
#define q 103
void checkPalindromes(char str[])
    // Length of input string
    int N = strlen(str);
    // A single character is always a palindrome
    printf("%c Yes\n", str[0]);
    // Return if string has only one character
    if (N == 1) return;
    // Initialize first half reverse and second half for 
    // as firstr and second characters
    int firstr  = str[0] % q;
    int second = str[1] % q;
    int h = 1, i, j;
    // Now check for palindromes from second character
    // onward
    for (i=1; i

// Java program for online algorithm for
// palindrome checking
public class GFG 
    // d is the number of characters in 
    // input alphabet
    static final int d = 256;
    // q is a prime number used for 
    // evaluating Rabin Karp's Rolling hash
    static final int q = 103;
    static void checkPalindromes(String str)
        // Length of input string
        int N = str.length();
        // A single character is always a palindrome
        System.out.println(str.charAt(0)+" Yes");
        // Return if string has only one character
        if (N == 1) return;
        // Initialize first half reverse and second 
        // half for as firstr and second characters
        int firstr  = str.charAt(0) % q;
        int second = str.charAt(1) % q;
        int h = 1, i, j;
        // Now check for palindromes from second 
        // character onward
        for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
            // If the hash values of 'firstr' and
            // 'second' match, then only check 
            // individual characters
            if (firstr == second)
                /* Check if str[0..i] is palindrome
                using simple character by character 
                 match */
                for (j = 0; j < i/2; j++)
                    if (str.charAt(j) != str.charAt(i 
                                               - j))
                System.out.println((j == i/2) ? 
                  str.charAt(i) + " Yes": str.charAt(i)+
                  " No");
            else System.out.println(str.charAt(i)+ " No");
            // Calculate hash values for next iteration.
            // Don't calculate hash for next characters
            // if this is the last character of string
            if (i != N - 1)
                // If i is even (next i is odd) 
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    // Add next character after first 
                    // half at beginning of 'firstr'
                    h = (h * d) % q;
                    firstr  = (firstr + h *str.charAt(i / 
                                                 2)) % q;
                    // Add next character after second 
                    // half at the end of second half.
                    second = (second * d + str.charAt(i + 
                                                1)) % q;
                    // If next i is odd (next i is even)
                    // then we need not to change firstr,
                    // we need to remove first character
                    // of second and append a character
                    // to it.
                    second = (d * (second + q - str.charAt(
                             (i + 1) / 2) * h) % q +
                               str.charAt(i + 1)) % q;
    /* Driver program to test above function */
    public static void main(String args[])
        String txt = "aabaacaabaa";
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh

# Python program Online algorithm for checking palindrome
# in a stream
# d is the number of characters in input alphabet
d = 256
# q is a prime number used for evaluating Rabin Karp's
# Rolling hash
q = 103
def checkPalindromes(string):
    # Length of input string
    N = len(string)
    # A single character is always a palindrome
    print string[0] + " Yes"
    # Return if string has only one character
    if N == 1:
    # Initialize first half reverse and second half for
    # as firstr and second characters
    firstr = ord(string[0]) % q
    second = ord(string[1]) % q
    h = 1
    i = 0
    j = 0
    # Now check for palindromes from second character
    # onward
    for i in xrange(1,N):
        # If the hash values of 'firstr' and 'second'
        # match, then only check individual characters
        if firstr == second:
            # Check if str[0..i] is palindrome using
            # simple character by character match
            for j in xrange(0,i/2):
                if string[j] != string[i-j]:
            j += 1
            if j == i/2:
                print string[i] + " Yes"
                print string[i] + " No"
            print string[i] + " No"
        # Calculate hash values for next iteration.
        # Don't calculate hash for next characters if
        # this is the last character of string
        if i != N-1:
            # If i is even (next i is odd)
            if i % 2 == 0:
                # Add next character after first half at
                # beginning of 'firstr'
                h = (h*d) % q
                firstr = (firstr + h*ord(string[i/2]))%q
                # Add next character after second half at
                # the end of second half.
                second = (second*d + ord(string[i+1]))%q
                # If next i is odd (next i is even) then we
                # need not to change firstr, we need to remove
                # first character of second and append a
                # character to it.
                second = (d*(second + q - ord(string[(i+1)/2])*h)%q
                            + ord(string[i+1]))%q
# Driver program
txt = "aabaacaabaa"
# This code is contributed by Bhavya Jain

// C# program for online algorithm for 
// palindrome checking 
using System;
class GFG
// d is the number of characters  
// in input alphabet 
public const int d = 256;
// q is a prime number used for 
// evaluating Rabin Karp's Rolling hash 
public const int q = 103;
public static void checkPalindromes(string str)
    // Length of input string 
    int N = str.Length;
    // A single character is always
    // a palindrome 
    Console.WriteLine(str[0] + " Yes");
    // Return if string has only 
    // one character 
    if (N == 1)
    // Initialize first half reverse and second 
    // half for as firstr and second characters 
    int firstr = str[0] % q;
    int second = str[1] % q;
    int h = 1, i, j;
    // Now check for palindromes from 
    // second character onward 
    for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
        // If the hash values of 'firstr' 
        // and 'second' match, then only 
        // check individual characters 
        if (firstr == second)
            /* Check if str[0..i] is palindrome 
            using simple character by character 
            match */
            for (j = 0; j < i / 2; j++)
                if (str[j] != str[i - j])
            Console.WriteLine((j == i / 2) ? str[i] + 
                             " Yes": str[i] + " No");
            Console.WriteLine(str[i] + " No");
        // Calculate hash values for next iteration. 
        // Don't calculate hash for next characters 
        // if this is the last character of string 
        if (i != N - 1)
            // If i is even (next i is odd) 
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                // Add next character after first 
                // half at beginning of 'firstr' 
                h = (h * d) % q;
                firstr = (firstr + h * str[i / 2]) % q;
                // Add next character after second 
                // half at the end of second half. 
                second = (second * d + str[i + 1]) % q;
                // If next i is odd (next i is even) 
                // then we need not to change firstr, 
                // we need to remove first character 
                // of second and append a character 
                // to it. 
                second = (d * (second + q - str[(i + 1) / 2] *
                                   h) % q + str[i + 1]) % q;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    string txt = "aabaacaabaa";
// This code is contributed by Shrikant13


a Yes
a Yes
b No
a No
a Yes
c No
a No
a No
b No
a No
a Yes

上述解决方案在最坏情况下的时间复杂度仍为O(n * n),但总的来说,它比简单方法要好得多,因为我们在大多数时间通过首先比较散列值来避免完全子串比较。最坏的情况发生在具有所有相同字符(例如“ aaaaaa”)的输入字符串。