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📜  字符串的最小长度具有给定的字符串的所有排列。

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-27 23:02:22             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个字符串S   在哪里, 1\leq length\; of\; S\leq 26   。假设其中的所有字符S   是独一无二的任务是计算一个字符串的最小长度,该长度由给定字符串的所有排列以任意顺序组成。

Input : ab
Output : 3
The resulting string is aba.

Input : abc
Output : 9
The resulting string is abcabacba.


  1. 如果字符串的长度为1 ,则答案为1
  2. 如果字符串的长度为2 ,则答案为3
  3. 如果字符串的长度为3 ,则答案为9

因此,观察输出后,我们可以看到,如果字符串的长度为n ,则答案将为1! + 2! +…+ n! 。因此,我们可以在字符串向量中预先计算结果至n = 26

// C++ implementation to find the minimum length of
// string having all permutation of the given string
using namespace std;
// function to find minimum length of required string
void minLength(string s)
    // Precomputed answers for all String.
    vector minlen = { "0", "1", "3", "9", "33", "153", "872",
                    "5912", "46232", "409112", "4037912", "43954712",
                    "522956312", "6749977112", "93928268312",
                    "1401602636312", "22324392524312", "378011820620312",
                    "6780385526348312", "128425485935180312",
                    "2561327494111820312", "53652269665821260312",
                     "1177652997443428940312", "27029669736328405580312",
                     "647478071469567844940312", "16158688114800553828940312",
                     "419450149241406189412940312" };
    cout << minlen[s.size()];
// Driver program
int main()
    string s = "abc";
    // function call to print minimum length of string
    return 0;
// This code is written by
// Sanjit_Prasad

// Java implementation to find
// the minimum length of string
// having all permutation of
// the given string
class GFG
// function to find minimum
// length of required string
static void minLength(String s)
    // Precomputed answers for all String.
    String minlen[] = { "0", "1", "3", "9", "33", "153", "872",
                        "5912", "46232", "409112", "4037912",
                        "43954712", "522956312", "6749977112",
                        "93928268312", "1401602636312",
                        "22324392524312", "378011820620312",
                        "6780385526348312", "128425485935180312",
                        "2561327494111820312", "53652269665821260312",
                        "1177652997443428940312", "27029669736328405580312",
// Driver code
public static void main (String args[])
    String s = "abc";
    // function call to print
    // minimum length of string
// This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1

# Python implementation to find the minimum length of
# string having all permutation of the given string.
# function to find minimum length of required string.
def minLength(s):
    # Precomputed answers for all String.
    minlen = ["0", "1", "3", "9", "33", "153", "872", "5912", "46232", "409112", "4037912", "43954712",
              "522956312", "6749977112", "93928268312", "1401602636312", "22324392524312",
              "378011820620312", "6780385526348312", "128425485935180312", "2561327494111820312",
              "53652269665821260312", "1177652997443428940312", "27029669736328405580312",
              "647478071469567844940312", "16158688114800553828940312", "419450149241406189412940312"]
# Driver program
s = "abc"
# function call to print minimum length of string
# This code is written by
# Sanjit_Prasad

// C# implementation to find
// the minimum length of string
// having all permutation of
// the given string
using System;
class GFG
// function to find minimum
// length of required string
static void minLength(String s)
    // Precomputed answers for all String.
    String[] minlen = { "0", "1", "3", "9", "33", "153", "872",
                        "5912", "46232", "409112", "4037912",
                        "43954712", "522956312", "6749977112",
                        "93928268312", "1401602636312",
                        "22324392524312", "378011820620312",
                        "6780385526348312", "128425485935180312",
                        "2561327494111820312", "53652269665821260312",
                        "1177652997443428940312", "27029669736328405580312",
// Driver code
public static void Main ()
    String s = "abc";
    // function call to print
    // minimum length of string
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai(Abby_akku)





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