📜  heroku get app already eist (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:31:07.493000             🧑  作者: Mango

Heroku: Get App Already Exists

If you're a developer, you're likely familiar with Heroku, a cloud platform that allows you to easily deploy, manage, and scale your web applications. However, you may encounter an error message that says "App already exists" when attempting to deploy your app to Heroku. This can be frustrating, but there are several things you can do to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Possible Causes
  • Duplicate App Name: This is the most common cause of the "App already exists" error. If you've already deployed an app with the same name, Heroku won't allow you to create another one with the same name.
  • Heroku Limitations: Heroku has some limitations on app names, such as length, characters allowed, and uniqueness. Be sure to check their documentation to make sure you're following their guidelines.
  • Unfinished App Creation: If you previously attempted to create an app with the same name, it's possible the creation process was not completed, leaving a partial or incomplete app in your Heroku account.
Solution 1: Rename Your App

The easiest solution to the "App already exists" error is to simply rename your app. Choose a unique name that hasn't been used before, using only allowed characters and length limitations. You can do this through the Heroku dashboard or by using the Heroku CLI.

# Heroku CLI command to rename app
$ heroku apps:rename new-app-name --app old-app-name
Solution 2: Delete Old App

If you're no longer using the existing app with the same name, consider deleting it from your Heroku account. This will free up the name to be used for a new app.

# Heroku CLI command to delete app
$ heroku apps:destroy --app old-app-name
Solution 3: Check for Unfinished App Creation

If you've tried to create an app with the same name, but it was never completed, check your Heroku account for any partially created apps. Delete any incomplete apps to free up the app name for a new deployment.


In summary, the "App already exists" error when deploying to Heroku is a common issue that has several potential causes and solutions. Rename your app, delete old apps, and check for unfinished app creation to resolve the issue and complete your deployment to Heroku.