📜  kick member discord py - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:43:39.734000             🧑  作者: Mango

Kicking Members on Discord with Python

As a Discord server owner or moderator, you may need to kick members who have violated server rules or are inactive. While you can manually kick members from the Discord app, it can be time-consuming for a large server. That's where Python comes in!

With the Discord API and Python's discord.py library, you can easily automate the process of kicking members. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Setting up the Discord Bot

First, you need to create a Discord bot and add it to your server as a member with the "Kick Members" permission. You can follow this guide to create the bot and invite it to your server.

Step 2: Installing discord.py

Next, you need to install the discord.py library using pip:

pip install discord.py
Step 3: Writing the Python Script

Now, you can write the Python script to kick a member from the server. Here's an example:

import discord

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('!kick'):
        if message.author.guild_permissions.kick_members:
                member = message.mentions[0]
                await member.kick(reason='Sorry to see you go :(')
                await message.channel.send(f'{member.mention} has been kicked from the server.')
                await message.channel.send('Please mention a valid member to kick.')
            await message.channel.send('You do not have permission to kick members.')

client.run('your bot token here')

Here's how the script works:

  • It listens for messages in the server, and if a message starts with "!kick", it checks if the author has the "Kick Members" permission.
  • If the author has the permission, it tries to kick the member mentioned in the message and sends a confirmation message to the channel.
  • If the author does not have the permission, it sends a message saying so.

Note: The bot token should be replaced with your actual bot token.

Step 4: Running the Python Script

Finally, you can run the Python script using the following command:

python script_name.py

And that's it! Your bot is now ready to kick members from the server with a simple command.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use Python and discord.py to kick members from a Discord server. Using bots can save time and effort when managing a large server, and Python makes it easy to automate tasks like kicking members. Happy coding!

Sample Markdown

# Kicking Members on Discord with Python 

As a Discord server owner or moderator, you may need to kick members who have violated server rules or are inactive. While you can manually kick members from the Discord app, it can be time-consuming for a large server. That's where Python comes in! 

With the Discord API and Python's `discord.py` library, you can easily automate the process of kicking members. Here's a step-by-step guide: 

## Step 1: Setting up the Discord Bot 

First, you need to create a Discord bot and add it to your server as a member with the "Kick Members" permission. You can follow [this guide](https://www.twilio.com/blog/how-to-build-a-discord-bot-with-python) to create the bot and invite it to your server. 

## Step 2: Installing `discord.py` 

Next, you need to install the `discord.py` library using pip: 

pip install discord.py
Step 3: Writing the Python Script

Now, you can write the Python script to kick a member from the server. Here's an example:

import discord

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith('!kick'):
        if message.author.guild_permissions.kick_members:
                member = message.mentions[0]
                await member.kick(reason='Sorry to see you go :(')
                await message.channel.send(f'{member.mention} has been kicked from the server.')
                await message.channel.send('Please mention a valid member to kick.')
            await message.channel.send('You do not have permission to kick members.')

client.run('your bot token here')

Here's how the script works:

  • It listens for messages in the server, and if a message starts with "!kick", it checks if the author has the "Kick Members" permission.
  • If the author has the permission, it tries to kick the member mentioned in the message and sends a confirmation message to the channel.
  • If the author does not have the permission, it sends a message saying so.

Note: The bot token should be replaced with your actual bot token.

Step 4: Running the Python Script

Finally, you can run the Python script using the following command:

python script_name.py

And that's it! Your bot is now ready to kick members from the server with a simple command.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use Python and discord.py to kick members from a Discord server. Using bots can save time and effort when managing a large server, and Python makes it easy to automate tasks like kicking members. Happy coding!