Python| time.clock() 方法
Python中time 模块的time.clock()
因为,time 模块中定义的大部分函数都调用了相应的 C 库函数。 time.clock()
方法也调用同名的 C 库函数来获取结果。返回浮点值的精度取决于调用的 C 库函数。
注意:此方法自Python 3.3 版起已弃用,将在Python 3.8 版中删除。此方法的行为取决于平台。
Syntax: time.clock()
Parameter: No parameter is required.
Return type: This method returns a float value which represents the current processor time in seconds.
代码 #1:使用time.clock()
# Python program to explain time.clock() method
# importing time module
import time
# Get the current processor
# time in seconds
pro_time = time.clock()
# print the current
# processor time
print("Current processor time (in seconds):", pro_time)
Current processor time (in seconds): 0.042379
代码 #2:使用time.clock()
# Python program to explain time.clock() method
# importing time module
import time
# Function to calculate factorial
# of the given number
def factorial(n):
f = 1
for i in range(n, 1, -1):
f = f * i
return f
# Get the current processor time
# in seconds at the
# beginning of the calculation
# using time.clock() method
start = time.clock()
# print the processor time in seconds
print("At the beginning of the calculation")
print("Processor time (in seconds):", start, "\n")
# Calculate factorial of all
# numbers form 0 to 9
i = 0
fact = [0] * 10;
while i < 10:
fact[i] = factorial(i)
i = i + 1
# Print the calculated factorial
for i in range(0, len(fact)):
print("Factorial of % d:" % i, fact[i])
# Get the processor time
# in seconds at the end
# of the calculation
# using time.clock() method
end = time.clock()
print("\nAt the end of the calculation")
print("Processor time (in seconds):", end)
print("Time elapsed during the calculation:", end - start)
At the beginning of the calculation
Processor time (in seconds): 0.03451
Factorial of 0: 1
Factorial of 1: 1
Factorial of 2: 2
Factorial of 3: 6
Factorial of 4: 24
Factorial of 5: 120
Factorial of 6: 720
Factorial of 7: 5040
Factorial of 8: 40320
Factorial of 9: 362880
At the end of the calculation
Processor time (in seconds): 0.034715
Time elapsed during the calculation: 0.0002050000000000038
参考: https://docs。