📜  PL/SQL 中参数模式的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:04.105000             🧑  作者: Mango

PL/SQL 中参数模式的区别

变量模式基本上用于描述形参的行为。子程序中使用的参数模式有以下三种:IN 模式、OUT 模式和 IN OUT 模式。


  1. 输入模式:
  2. 输出模式:
  3. 输入输出模式:
    此模式是 IN 和 OUT 模式的混合。就像 IN 模式一样,它从子程序中的调用环境传递一个值,就像 OUT 模式一样,它可能使用相同的参数将不同的值从子程序传递回调用环境。


IN ModeOut ModeIN OUT Mode
It is the default mode.It must be specified.It must be specified.
In this value is passed into subprogram.In this value is returned to calling environment.In this, value is passed into subprogram and also returned to calling environment.
In this formal parameter acts as a constant.In this formal parameter act as un-initialized variable.In this formal parameter act as initialized variable.
In this actual parameter can be a literal, impression, constant or initialized variable.In this actual parameter must be a variable.In this actual parameter must be a variable.
It can be assigned as a default value.It cannot be assigned as a default value.It also cannot be assigned as a default value.
It performs read only operation.It performs only write operation.It performs both read and write operation.