📜  apiresource call show (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:13:27.092000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to 'apiresource call show'

The 'apiresource call show' command is a useful tool in a programmer's arsenal when interacting with APIs. It allows developers to easily retrieve information on specific API calls, providing them with all the essential details that they need to work with the API.

To use 'apiresource call show', simply enter the command followed by the name of the API call that you wish to retrieve information on. The command will then return a detailed breakdown of the specified call, including its purpose, its parameters, and its responses.

Here is an example of how to use 'apiresource call show':

$ apiresource call show my-api-call

## API Call: my-api-call

This call performs an action on the specified resource.

### Parameters

| Parameter   | Type     | Description                                        |
| resource_id | string   | The ID of the resource to be acted upon.            |
| action      | string   | The action to be performed on the specified resource. |
| options     | object   | An object containing additional options for the call. |

### Responses

| Response | Description                                               |
| 200 OK   | The requested action was performed successfully.          |
| 400 Bad Request | The request was malformed or missing a required parameter. |
| 403 Forbidden | The request was not authorized.                             |
| 404 Not Found | The requested resource could not be found.                 |
| 500 Internal Server Error | An error occurred on the server.                       |

As you can see, the 'apiresource call show' command provides all the necessary information about the specified API call, making it easier for developers to work with the API.

Overall, 'apiresource call show' is a powerful tool in a programmer's toolkit, enabling them to make the most of APIs by simplifying the process of retrieving API call information.