📅  最后修改于: 2020-09-27 07:40:28             🧑  作者: Mango
Java的Scanner类可在java.util包中找到。 Java提供了多种从键盘读取输入的方法,java.util.Scanner类就是其中之一。
Java Scanner类使用定界符将输入分为令牌,该定界符默认为空格。它提供了许多读取和解析各种原始值的方法。
Java Scanner类广泛用于使用正则表达式解析文本以获取字符串和原始类型。这是在Java中获取输入的最简单方法。借助于Java中的Scanner,我们可以从用户那里获取基本类型的输入,例如int,long,double,byte,float,short等。
Java Scanner类扩展了Object类,并实现了Iterator和Closeable接口。
Java Scanner类提供nextXXX()方法以返回值的类型,例如nextInt(),nextByte(),nextShort(),next(),nextLine(),nextDouble(),nextFloat(),nextBoolean()等。要从扫描仪获取单个字符,可以调用next()。charAt(0)方法,该方法返回单个字符。
public final class Scanner
extends Object
implements Iterator
要获取从用户读取输入的Java Scanner实例,我们需要在Scanner类的构造函数中传递输入流(System.in)。例如:
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
要获取解析字符串的Java Scanner实例,我们需要在Scanner类的构造函数中传递字符串。例如:
Scanner in = new Scanner("Hello Javatpoint");
SN | Constructor | Description |
1) | Scanner(File source) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified file. |
2) | Scanner(File source, String charsetName) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified file. |
3) | Scanner(InputStream source) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified input stream. |
4) | Scanner(InputStream source, String charsetName) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified input stream. |
5) | Scanner(Readable source) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified source. |
6) | Scanner(String source) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified string. |
7) | Scanner(ReadableByteChannel source) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified channel. |
8) | Scanner(ReadableByteChannel source, String charsetName) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified channel. |
9) | Scanner(Path source) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified file. |
10) | Scanner(Path source, String charsetName) | It constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified file. |
SN | Modifier & Type | Method | Description |
1) | void | close() | It is used to close this scanner. |
2) | pattern | delimiter() | It is used to get the Pattern which the Scanner class is currently using to match delimiters. |
3) | Stream |
findAll() | It is used to find a stream of match results that match the provided pattern string. |
4) | String | findInLine() | It is used to find the next occurrence of a pattern constructed from the specified string, ignoring delimiters. |
5) | string | findWithinHorizon() | It is used to find the next occurrence of a pattern constructed from the specified string, ignoring delimiters. |
6) | boolean | hasNext() | It returns true if this scanner has another token in its input. |
7) | boolean | hasNextBigDecimal() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a BigDecimal using the nextBigDecimal() method or not. |
8) | boolean | hasNextBigInteger() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a BigDecimal using the nextBigDecimal() method or not. |
9) | boolean | hasNextBoolean() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a Boolean using the nextBoolean() method or not. |
10) | boolean | hasNextByte() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a Byte using the nextBigDecimal() method or not. |
11) | boolean | hasNextDouble() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a BigDecimal using the nextByte() method or not. |
12) | boolean | hasNextFloat() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a Float using the nextFloat() method or not. |
13) | boolean | hasNextInt() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as an int using the nextInt() method or not. |
14) | boolean | hasNextLine() | It is used to check if there is another line in the input of this scanner or not. |
15) | boolean | hasNextLong() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a Long using the nextLong() method or not. |
16) | boolean | hasNextShort() | It is used to check if the next token in this scanner’s input can be interpreted as a Short using the nextShort() method or not. |
17) | IOException | ioException() | It is used to get the IOException last thrown by this Scanner’s readable. |
18) | Locale | locale() | It is used to get a Locale of the Scanner class. |
19) | MatchResult | match() | It is used to get the match result of the last scanning operation performed by this scanner. |
20) | String | next() | It is used to get the next complete token from the scanner which is in use. |
21) | BigDecimal | nextBigDecimal() | It scans the next token of the input as a BigDecimal. |
22) | BigInteger | nextBigInteger() | It scans the next token of the input as a BigInteger. |
23) | boolean | nextBoolean() | It scans the next token of the input into a boolean value and returns that value. |
24) | byte | nextByte() | It scans the next token of the input as a byte. |
25) | double | nextDouble() | It scans the next token of the input as a double. |
26) | float | nextFloat() | It scans the next token of the input as a float. |
27) | int | nextInt() | It scans the next token of the input as an Int. |
28) | String | nextLine() | It is used to get the input string that was skipped of the Scanner object. |
29) | long | nextLong() | It scans the next token of the input as a long. |
30) | short | nextShort() | It scans the next token of the input as a short. |
31) | int | radix() | It is used to get the default radix of the Scanner use. |
32) | void | remove() | It is used when remove operation is not supported by this implementation of Iterator. |
33) | Scanner | reset() | It is used to reset the Scanner which is in use. |
34) | Scanner | skip() | It skips input that matches the specified pattern, ignoring delimiters |
35) | Stream |
tokens() | It is used to get a stream of delimiter-separated tokens from the Scanner object which is in use. |
36) | String | toString() | It is used to get the string representation of Scanner using. |
37) | Scanner | useDelimiter() | It is used to set the delimiting pattern of the Scanner which is in use to the specified pattern. |
38) | Scanner | useLocale() | It is used to sets this scanner’s locale object to the specified locale. |
39) | Scanner | useRadix() | It is used to set the default radix of the Scanner which is in use to the specified radix. |
让我们看一个简单的Java扫描仪示例,我们从用户那里获得单个输入。在这里,我们通过in.nextLine()方法请求一个字符串 。
import java.util.*;
public class ScannerExample {
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");
String name = in.nextLine();
System.out.println("Name is: " + name);
Enter your name: sonoo jaiswal
Name is: sonoo jaiswal
import java.util.*;
public class ScannerClassExample1 {
public static void main(String args[]){
String s = "Hello, This is JavaTpoint.";
//Create scanner Object and pass string in it
Scanner scan = new Scanner(s);
//Check if the scanner has a token
System.out.println("Boolean Result: " + scan.hasNext());
//Print the string
System.out.println("String: " +scan.nextLine());
System.out.println("--------Enter Your Details-------- ");
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");
String name = in.next();
System.out.println("Name: " + name);
System.out.print("Enter your age: ");
int i = in.nextInt();
System.out.println("Age: " + i);
System.out.print("Enter your salary: ");
double d = in.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Salary: " + d);
Boolean Result: true
String: Hello, This is JavaTpoint.
-------Enter Your Details---------
Enter your name: Abhishek
Name: Abhishek
Enter your age: 23
Age: 23
Enter your salary: 25000
Salary: 25000.0
import java.util.*;
public class ScannerClassExample2 {
public static void main(String args[]){
String str = "Hello/This is JavaTpoint/My name is Abhishek.";
//Create scanner with the specified String Object
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(str);
System.out.println("Boolean Result: "+scanner.hasNextBoolean());
//Change the delimiter of this scanner
//Printing the tokenized Strings
System.out.println("---Tokenizes String---");
//Display the new delimiter
System.out.println("Delimiter used: " +scanner.delimiter());
Boolean Result: false
---Tokenizes String---
This is JavaTpoint
My name is Abhishek.
Delimiter used: /