Palampur 村是一个虚构的社区,这个故事将展示如何结合各种资源来提供该村所需的商品和服务。帕拉姆普尔的主要收入来源是农业。该村还存在乳制品、交通运输、小规模制造业和其他产业。
帕拉姆普尔村有一个独特的故事要讲述。帕拉姆普尔与其他村庄和城镇紧密相连,拥有来自不同种姓的大约 450 个家庭。田间的所有管井都由村里充足的电力供电。它有一个药房和一个由政府管理的基本保健中心。帕拉姆普尔拥有完善的基础设施,包括道路、公共交通、电力、灌溉、学校和保健中心。
One of the most significant considerations is the land. It is a necessary component of manufacturing. The term ‘land’ is commonly used to refer to the earth’s surface. However, in economics, the term has a distinct connotation. The term “land” refers to not just the earth’s surface but also all other free gifts from nature, such as mineral resources, forest resources, and anything else that aids in the creation of products and services but is offered by nature at no cost.
Another important component of manufacturing is labor. In fact, no matter how valuable a component is, it is useless unless it is combined with labor. By labor, we mean any form of human activity, whether physical or mental, that is done for the purpose of earning money. Labor, unlike land, is an active part of the manufacturing process. In truth, it is labor, in collaboration with land and wealth, that allows manufacturing to take place. Without the application of labor, land and capital cannot create anything.
Physical Capital
The factor of production is physical capital. It refers to the many inputs necessary at each level of the manufacturing process, such as tools, machinery, computers, and other equipment for the creation of goods and services. It’s utilized in the manufacturing process to convert raw materials into final items. There are two forms of physical capital:
- Fixed Capital: Fixed capital refers to equipment, machinery, and structures that may be employed in manufacturing for a long time. Tools and machinery varied from the most basic, such as a farmer’s plough, to the most advanced, such as generators, computers, and so on.
- Working Capital: Manufacturing needs a wide range of raw materials. It is vital to have money in order to make payments and purchase other necessities. .
Kharif 农民在雨季种植 jowar 和 bajra,然后在 10 月至 12 月之间种植马铃薯。农民在冬天生产小麦,而一部分土地专门用于种植甘蔗,甘蔗每年收割一次。得益于发达的灌溉系统,农民可以种植三种不同的作物。灌溉系统由电力转换。多作是指在一块土地上种植多种作物。现代农业是增加产量的另一种方法。 1960 年代后期,绿色革命使印度农民接触到使用高产种子品种 (HYV) 的小麦和水稻生产。
任何类型的农业都需要使用土地。帕兰普尔的 450 户家庭中约有三分之一没有土地。达利特人无法获得农业用地。 240 户家庭在不到 2 公顷的小块土地上耕种。帕兰普尔有大中型农户60人,耕地面积超过2公顷。
- 大多数小农从大农、当地放债人或提供各种农业投入品的经销商那里借钱。
- 大中型农民有自己的农业积蓄。结果,他们能够获得必要的资金。
除了农业,Palampur 25% 的工人从事非农业工作:
- Dairy
Aside from agriculture, some individuals work in the dairy industry, and the milk they produce is sold in the surrounding village.
- In Palampur, there is an example of small-scale manufacturing.
Small-scale manufacturing, which is done at home or in the fields, employs people. Simple manufacturing procedures are used in this process.
- The shopkeepers of Palampur
Rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil, biscuits, soap, toothpaste, batteries, candles, notebooks, pen, pencil, and even some types of fabric are all sold at the village’s general stores.
- Transport: a fast developing sector
They move people and products from one location to another and are paid for their services. Roadways,waterways,railways and airways; all of them fall in this category.
问题 1:解释土地如何成为商品和服务发展的必要组成部分。
The term ‘land’ is commonly used to refer to the earth’s surface. However, in economics, the term has a distinct connotation. The term “land” refers to not just the earth’s surface but also all other free gifts from nature, such as mineral resources, forest resources, and anything else that helps in the creation of products and services but is offered by nature at no cost.
问题 2:对实物资本和企业有所了解。
- Capital is the portion of the money that can be utilized to create more wealth. It comprises of all types of wealth that generate revenue, aside from free gifts from nature. As a result, capital refers to any sort of wealth other than property that aids in the development of more revenue. Machines, raw materials, buses, trucks, rail engines, ships, and other forms of capital are examples. These commodities are used as production inputs by producers. As a result, these items are also known as capital goods.
- The services of an entrepreneur, who oversees, organizes, and assumes all risks, are referred to as enterprise.There can be no manufacturing without putting these three production variables together and applying them in the proper proportions. As a result, someone must hire them from their owners in exchange for rent, salaries, and interest, as well as determine the proportions of each required for production. This is referred to as an enterprise.
问题 3:在帕拉姆普尔,谁提供农业劳动力?他们的努力如何得到回报?
Small farmers cultivate their own land with the help of other family members. As a result, they offer the labour necessary for farming. Farm laborers are hired by medium and large-scale farmers to work on their farms.
Farm laborers are either hired from landless households or from families that have a small plot of land to cultivate. The crops grown on the site are not the property of farm laborers.
They are compensated as follows:
- They are paid wages in cash or in kind, such as crops.
- The government has set a minimum pay of 300 per day for farm laborers, but they do not get this amount and are frequently mistreated.
- Poor agricultural laborers may merely work for a meal.
- They are sometimes hired on a daily basis and occasionally for the entire year. As a result, the duration of their job isn’t set in stone.