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📜  除去K个字符后,按字典顺序在字符串上可能的最大字符串

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-04 11:18:12             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个仅包含小写字母的字符串S ,任务是找到从字典上最大的字符串,该字符串可以通过从给定字符串删除K个字符来获得。



  • 遍历字符串。
  • 对于每个字符,请检查它是否大于堆栈顶部的字符。如果确定为true,则在K> 0的情况下弹出堆栈的顶部元素。
  • 将字符插入堆栈。
  • 完整遍历字符串,如果K> 0 ,则除去堆栈中的前K个元素。
  • 最后,将字符存储在堆栈中作为答案。打印答案


// C++ Program to implement the
// above approach
using namespace std;
string largestString(string num, int k)
    // final result string
    string ans = "";
    for (auto i : num) {
        // If the current char exceeds the
        // character at the top of the stack
        while (ans.length() && ans.back() < i
               && k > 0) {
            // Remove from the end of the string
            // Decrease k for the removal
        // Insert current character
    // Perform remaining K deletions
    // from the end of the string
    while (ans.length() and k--) {
    // Return the string
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string str = "zyxedcba";
    int k = 1;
    cout << largestString(str, k) << endl;

// Java program to implement the
// above approach
class GFG{
static String largestString(String num, int k)
    // Final result String
    String ans = "";
    for(char i : num.toCharArray())
        // If the current char exceeds the
        // character at the top of the stack
        while (ans.length() > 0 &&
               ans.charAt(ans.length() - 1) < i &&
                                          k > 0)
            // Remove from the end of the String
            ans = ans.substring(0, ans.length() - 1);
            // Decrease k for the removal
        // Insert current character
        ans += i;
    // Perform remaining K deletions
    // from the end of the String
    while (ans.length() > 0 && k-- > 0)
        ans = ans.substring(0, ans.length() - 1);
    // Return the String
    return ans;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String str = "zyxedcba";
    int k = 1;
    System.out.print(largestString(str, k) + "\n");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

# Python3 program to implement the
# above approach
def largestString(num, k):
    # Final result string
    ans = []
    for i in range(len(num)):
        # If the current char exceeds the
        # character at the top of the stack
        while(len(ans) and ans[-1] < num[i] and
                                 k > 0):
            # Remove from the end of the string
            # Decrease k for the removal
            k -= 1
        # Insert current character
    # Perform remaining K deletions
    # from the end of the string
    while(len(ans) and k):
        k -= 1
    # Return the string
    return ans
# Driver code
str = "zyxedcba"
k = 1
print(*largestString(str, k), sep = "")
# This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07

// C# program to implement the
// above approach
using System;
class GFG{
static String largestString(String num, int k)
    // Final result String
    String ans = "";
    foreach(char i in num.ToCharArray())
        // If the current char exceeds the
        // character at the top of the stack
        while (ans.Length > 0 &&
           ans[ans.Length - 1] < i && k > 0)
            // Remove from the end of the String
            ans = ans.Substring(0, ans.Length - 1);
            // Decrease k for the removal
        // Insert current character
        ans += i;
    // Perform remaining K deletions
    // from the end of the String
    while (ans.Length > 0 && k-- > 0)
        ans = ans.Substring(0, ans.Length - 1);
    // Return the String
    return ans;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String str = "zyxedcba";
    int k = 1;
    Console.Write(largestString(str, k) + "\n");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)