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📜  使用“python-nmap”的端口扫描器

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:25.881000             🧑  作者: Mango


在本文中,我们将学习如何使用Python中的“ nmap ”模块来编写端口扫描器。该程序将一系列端口号作为输入,并打印该范围内所有端口的状态(打开或关闭)。

Nmap : Nmap 是一个免费的开源网络扫描工具。要运行本文中讨论的程序,您需要在系统中安装“nmap”工具。如果未安装,请访问 Nmap 下载页面。


我们将使用“ python-nmap ”模块来完成这项任务。通过以下命令安装软件包(如果尚未安装) -

pip install python-nmap

注意:在没有适当许可和授权的情况下对目标进行“nmap”扫描是非法的。使用 localhost ( 作为目标


import nmap
# take the range of ports to 
# be scanned
begin = 75
end = 80
# assign the target ip to be scanned to
# a variable
target = ''
# instantiate a PortScanner object
scanner = nmap.PortScanner()
for i in range(begin,end+1):
    # scan the target port
    res = scanner.scan(target,str(i))
    # the result is a dictionary containing 
    # several information we only need to
    # check if the port is opened or closed
    # so we will access only that information 
    # in the dictionary
    res = res['scan'][target]['tcp'][i]['state']
    print(f'port {i} is {res}.')


port 75 is closed.
port 76 is closed.
port 77 is closed.
port 78 is closed.
port 79 is closed.
port 80 is open.
