📜  在 OpenCV 中使用蛮力进行特征匹配

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:52.057000             🧑  作者: Mango

在 OpenCV 中使用蛮力进行特征匹配

在本文中,我们将使用 OpenCV 库在Python使用 Brute Force 进行特征匹配。

先决条件: OpenCV

OpenCV 是一个Python库,用于解决计算机视觉问题。

OpenCV 是一个开源计算机视觉库。因此,计算机视觉是一种向机器教授智能并使它们像人类一样看待事物的方式。

换句话说,OpenCV 允许计算机像人类一样查看和处理视觉数据。


要安装 openCV 库,请在命令提示符中编写以下命令。

pip install opencv-python


  • 导入 OpenCV 库。
  • 使用 i mread()函数加载图像并将图像的路径或名称作为参数传递。
  • 创建用于检测图像特征的 ORB 检测器。
  • 使用 ORB 检测器找到两个图像的关键点和描述符。
  • 现在在检测图像的特征之后。现在编写用于匹配图像特征的 Brute Force Matcher 并将其存储在名为“ brute_force ”的变量中。
  • 为了匹配,我们使用 brute_force.match() 并将第一张图像的描述符和第二张图像的描述符作为参数传递。
  • 找到匹配项后,我们必须根据匹配项之间的嗡嗡声距离对匹配项进行排序,嗡嗡声距离越小,匹配的准确性就越好。
  • 现在根据嗡嗡声距离排序后,我们必须绘制特征匹配,我们使用drawMatches()函数,其中传递第一张图像和第一张图像的关键点,第二张图像和第二张图像的关键点以及best_matches作为参数并将其存储在名为“ output_image ”的变量。
  • 现在在绘制特征匹配后,我们必须查看匹配,我们使用 cv2 库中的imshow()函数并传递窗口名称和output_image
  • 现在编写waitkey()函数并编写destroyAllWindows()来销毁所有窗口。

定向快速旋转简要 (ORB) 探测器

ORB检测器代表Oriented Fast and Rotated Brief,这是一种免费算法,该算法的好处是不需要GPU就可以在普通CPU上计算。





FAST算法创建的关键点和BRIEF算法创建的描述符共同代表对象。 Brief 是用于特征描述符计算的更快方法,并且它也提供高识别率,直到并且除非有大的平面内旋转。


Brute Force Matcher 用于将第一张图像的特征与另一张图像进行匹配。


示例 1:使用OpenCV从其路径读取/导入图像

# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
  # reading the images from their using imread() function
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
 # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/UsersPython(ds)/1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there path by calling the function
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images by calling the function
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    cv2.imshow('Gray scaled image 1',gray_pic1)
    cv2.imshow('Gray scaled image 2',gray_pic2)

# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
 # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)//1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # showing the images with their key points finded by the detector
    cv2.imshow("Key points of Image 1",cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_pic1,key_pt1,None))
    cv2.imshow("Key points of Image 2",cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_pic2,key_pt2,None))
    # printing descriptors of both of the images
    print(f'Descriptors of Image 1 {descrip1}')
    print(f'Descriptors of Image 2 {descrip2}')
    # printing the Shape of the descriptors
    print(f'Shape of descriptor of first image {descrip1.shape}')
    print(f'Shape of descriptor of second image {descrip2.shape}')

# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points
# and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images using
    # detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using brute force
# matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing the feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match,None,flags=2)
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    tot_feature_matches = len(number_of_matches)
    # printing total number of feature matches found
    print(f'Total Number of Features matches found are {tot_feature_matches}')
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image

# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points
# and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images
    # using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using
# brute force matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing first fifteen best feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image

# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points and
# descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images
    # using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using brute
# force matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing the feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_1.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_nor.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    tot_feature_matches = len(number_of_matches)
    print(f'Total Number of Features matches found are {tot_feature_matches}')
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image

# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points
# and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images
    # using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using brute
# force matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing the feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_1.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_rotated.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    tot_feature_matches = len(number_of_matches)
    print(f'Total Number of Features matches found are {tot_feature_matches}')
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image


示例 2:创建 ORB 检测器以查找图像中的特征。


# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
 # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)//1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # showing the images with their key points finded by the detector
    cv2.imshow("Key points of Image 1",cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_pic1,key_pt1,None))
    cv2.imshow("Key points of Image 2",cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_pic2,key_pt2,None))
    # printing descriptors of both of the images
    print(f'Descriptors of Image 1 {descrip1}')
    print(f'Descriptors of Image 2 {descrip2}')
    # printing the Shape of the descriptors
    print(f'Shape of descriptor of first image {descrip1.shape}')
    print(f'Shape of descriptor of second image {descrip2.shape}')






在第二个输出图像中,我们可以看到第一个图像描述符形状和第二个图像描述符形状分别为 (467, 32) 和 (500,32)。因此,Oriented Fast and Rotated Brief (ORB) 检测器默认尝试在图像中查找 500 个特征,并且对于每个描述符,它将描述 32 个值。

那么,现在我们将如何使用这些描述符呢?我们可以使用Brute Force Matcher (如上文所述)将这些描述符匹配在一起,并找出我们获得了多少相似性。

示例 3:使用 Brute Force Matcher 进行特征匹配。


# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points
# and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images using
    # detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using brute force
# matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing the feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match,None,flags=2)
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    tot_feature_matches = len(number_of_matches)
    # printing total number of feature matches found
    print(f'Total Number of Features matches found are {tot_feature_matches}')
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image


我们总共获得了 178 个特征匹配。一共抽取了178个匹配,但是按照它们的嗡嗡距离升序排列意味着第178个特征的距离大于第一个特征,所以第一个特征匹配比第178个特征匹配更准确。

看起来很乱,因为所有的 178 个特征匹配都被绘制了,让我们绘制前 15 个特征(为了可见性)。

示例 4:使用 Brute Force Matcher 进行第一个/前十五个特征匹配。


# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points
# and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images
    # using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using
# brute force matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing first fifteen best feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755129039.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/1611755720390.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image


输出图像显示了使用 Brute Force Matcher 进行的第一个/前十五个最佳特征匹配。



示例 5:使用 Brute Force 进行特征匹配。


# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points and
# descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images
    # using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using brute
# force matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing the feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_1.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_nor.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    tot_feature_matches = len(number_of_matches)
    print(f'Total Number of Features matches found are {tot_feature_matches}')
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image


在上面的例子中,我们总共得到了 147 个最佳特征匹配,我们只绘制了前 30 个匹配,以便我们可以正确地看到匹配。

示例 6:通过获取旋转的火车图像使用 Brute Force Matcher 进行特征匹配。


# importing openCV library
import cv2
# function to read the images by taking there path
def read_image(path1,path2):
    read_img1 = cv2.imread(path1)
    read_img2 = cv2.imread(path2)
    return (read_img1,read_img2)
# function to convert images from RGB to gray scale
def convert_to_grayscale(pic1,pic2):
    gray_img1 = cv2.cvtColor(pic1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_img2 = cv2.cvtColor(pic2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return (gray_img1,gray_img2)
# function to detect the features by finding key points
# and descriptors from the image
def detector(image1,image2):
    # creating ORB detector
    detect = cv2.ORB_create()
    # finding key points and descriptors of both images
    # using detectAndCompute() function
    key_point1,descrip1 = detect.detectAndCompute(image1,None)
    key_point2,descrip2 = detect.detectAndCompute(image2,None)
    return (key_point1,descrip1,key_point2,descrip2)
# function to find best detected features using brute
# force matcher and match them according to there humming distance
def BF_FeatureMatcher(des1,des2):
    brute_force = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
    no_of_matches = brute_force.match(des1,des2)
    # finding the humming distance of the matches and sorting them
    no_of_matches = sorted(no_of_matches,key=lambda x:x.distance)
    return no_of_matches
# function displaying the output image with the feature matching
def display_output(pic1,kpt1,pic2,kpt2,best_match):
    # drawing the feature matches using drawMatches() function
    output_image = cv2.drawMatches(pic1,kpt1,pic2,
    cv2.imshow('Output image',output_image)
# main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # giving the path of both of the images
    first_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_1.jpg'
    second_image_path = 'C:/Users/Python(ds)/Titan_rotated.jpg'
    # reading the image from there paths
    img1, img2 = read_image(first_image_path,second_image_path)
    # converting the readed images into the gray scale images
    gray_pic1, gray_pic2 = convert_to_grayscale(img1,img2)
    # storing the finded key points and descriptors of both of the images
    key_pt1,descrip1,key_pt2,descrip2 = detector(gray_pic1,gray_pic2)
    # sorting the number of best matches obtained from brute force matcher
    number_of_matches = BF_FeatureMatcher(descrip1,descrip2)
    tot_feature_matches = len(number_of_matches)
    print(f'Total Number of Features matches found are {tot_feature_matches}')
    # after drawing the feature matches displaying the output image


在这个例子中,当我们拍摄旋转的火车图像时,我们发现最佳特征匹配的总数几乎没有差异,即 148。

在第一个输出图像中,我们只绘制了前 30 个最佳特征匹配。