📜  inSdkVersion 16 不能小于库中声明的版本 21 [:appcenter (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:31:24.737000             🧑  作者: Mango


AppCenter is a cloud-based service that provides a range of tools for building, testing, and releasing mobile apps. It aims to simplify the app development process by bringing together various functions into a single platform.


The key features of AppCenter include:

  • Build - AppCenter can build your app for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, and Xamarin.

  • Test - AppCenter can run automated UI tests, functional tests, and unit tests for your app on various devices.

  • Distribute - AppCenter can distribute your app to beta testers, internal teams, or the public.

  • Crash Reporting - AppCenter can generate crash reports and also provides insights into the issues that caused the crashes.

  • Analytics - AppCenter provides detailed analytics about your app's usage, user engagement, and retention.


One of the main advantages of AppCenter is its ability to help developers save time and effort by automating tasks that are typically manual. This allows developers to focus on building great apps and delivering new features quickly.

Moreover, AppCenter provides a seamless experience for developers to manage the entire app development lifecycle in one place. It integrates well with other popular development tools and services like GitHub, Visual Studio, Slack, and more.

In short, if you are a mobile app developer looking for an all-in-one solution for building, testing, and releasing your apps, AppCenter is definitely worth considering.

# AppCenter

AppCenter is a cloud-based service that provides a range of tools for building, testing, and releasing mobile apps. It aims to simplify the app development process by bringing together various functions into a single platform.

## Features

- **Build** - AppCenter can build your app for multiple platforms including iOS, Android, and Xamarin. 

- **Test** - AppCenter can run automated UI tests, functional tests, and unit tests for your app on various devices.

- **Distribute** - AppCenter can distribute your app to beta testers, internal teams, or the public.

- **Crash Reporting** - AppCenter can generate crash reports and also provides insights into the issues that caused the crashes.

- **Analytics** - AppCenter provides detailed analytics about your app's usage, user engagement, and retention.

## Theme

AppCenter is an all-in-one solution for simplifying app development, allowing developers to focus on building great apps and delivering new features quickly. It integrates with other popular development tools and services, making it a seamless experience for developers to manage the entire app development lifecycle in one place.

Moreover, its ability to automate manual processes saves developers time and effort. If you're a mobile app developer looking for an efficient and effective solution, AppCenter is definitely worth considering.