📜  docker manjaro - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:00:28.938000             🧑  作者: Mango

Docker on Manjaro

Docker is a powerful and popular platform for developing, testing, and deploying applications in containers. Manjaro is a user-friendly Linux distribution that is based on Arch Linux. In this guide, we will explore how to install and use Docker on Manjaro Linux.


Before you start, ensure that your system is up to date and you have administrative access.

You can update your system by running the following command in the terminal:

sudo pacman -Syu
Installing Docker

To install Docker on Manjaro Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Install Docker by running the following command:

    sudo pacman -S docker

    This will install Docker on your system.

  3. Enable and start the Docker service by running the following commands:

    sudo systemctl enable docker.service
    sudo systemctl start docker.service

    This will ensure that Docker is started when your system boots and will start Docker now.

  4. Verify that Docker has been installed correctly by running the following command:

    sudo docker info

    This command will display information about your Docker installation.

Building Docker Images

You can use Docker to build images that contain your application and all its dependencies.

To build a Docker image, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Dockerfile in your project directory. This file contains instructions for Docker to build your image.

    FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY . .
    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
    CMD ["python", "app.py"]
  2. Build the Docker image by running the following command:

    sudo docker build -t myapp .

    This will build a Docker image called "myapp".

  3. Run the Docker image by running the following command:

    sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 myapp

    This will run the Docker image and map port 5000 on your host machine to port 5000 inside the container.


Docker is a powerful tool for building, testing, and deploying applications in containers. By installing Docker on Manjaro Linux, you can take advantage of this technology to streamline your development and deployment workflows.