📜  隐藏的 vue js - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:28:51.983000             🧑  作者: Mango

Hidden Vue.js - Secrets Unveiled

Have you ever worked on a project where you needed to use Vue.js, but felt like you were only scratching the surface of what it could do? In this article, we'll dive into some hidden secrets of Vue.js that may help you take your skills to the next level.

Scoped Slots

Scoped slots are a powerful feature in Vue.js that allows you to pass components to other components as a sort of "slot machine." This enables you to create more dynamic and reusable components.

  <slot name="header" v-bind:user="user">
    Default header content
    <slot v-bind:user="user">
      Default body content
  <slot name="footer" v-bind:user="user">
    Default footer content

Here, we've created a component with three slots: header, body, and footer. We'll pass components to those slots with the following markup:

    <template slot="header" slot-scope="{ user }">
      <h1>{{ user.name }}</h1>
      <h2>{{ user.title }}</h2>

    <template slot-scope="{ user }">
      <p>{{ user.bio }}</p>

    <template slot="footer" slot-scope="{ user }">
      <p>{{ user.email }}</p>
      <p>{{ user.phone }}</p>

Here, we pass header, body, and footer templates to the slots. The slot-scope attribute allows us to reference the passed user object.

Dynamic Components

Vue.js allows you to dynamically switch between components with the <component> tag. This can be useful for creating more responsive websites or for conditionally rendering different components based on user input.

    <button v-on:click="currentView = 'view1'">View 1</button>
    <button v-on:click="currentView = 'view2'">View 2</button>

    <component v-bind:is="currentView"></component>

Here, we create two buttons that set the currentView data attribute to 'view1' or 'view2'. The <component> tag then dynamically renders the component based on the value of currentView.

Custom Directives

Directives are a way to attach behavior to your HTML in Vue.js. Vue.js also allows you to create custom directives to extend its functionality.

Vue.directive('focus', {
  inserted: function (el) {

Here, we've created a custom focus directive that will cause an element to receive focus when it is inserted into the DOM. This can save you some repetitive code if you need to focus on multiple elements throughout your application.


Vue.js is a powerful framework with many features that can help you create more dynamic and reusable components. Scoped slots, dynamic components, and custom directives are just a few of the hidden secrets of Vue.js. By exploring these features and using them in your projects, you'll be able to take your skills to the next level.