📜  kill task linux ubuntu - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:43:39.789000             🧑  作者: Mango

Kill task in Linux Ubuntu using Shell-Bash


When working with Linux, sometimes a process can become unresponsive or consume too much CPU, and you may need to kill it. In this tutorial, we will learn how to kill a process on Linux Ubuntu using Shell Bash.


In order to follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • A Linux Ubuntu operating system
  • Basic knowledge of Shell Bash commands
Step 1: Find the process ID (PID)

Before we can kill a process, we need to find its PID. To do this, we can use the ps command followed by the process name we want to find. For example, if we want to find the PID of Firefox, we can use the following command:

ps aux | grep firefox

This will display the process ID, along with other information like the user who started the process, the CPU usage, and the command used to start the process.

Step 2: Kill the process

Once we have the process ID, we can kill the process using the kill command followed by the PID. For example, if we want to kill Firefox, we can use the following command:

kill PID

where PID is the process ID we obtained in step 1.

If the process is still running after the kill command, we can use the kill -9 command to force the process to stop. For example:

kill -9 PID
Step 3: Verify the process has been killed

To verify that the process has been killed, we can use the ps command again, along with the grep command to search for the process name. For example:

ps aux | grep firefox

If the process has been successfully killed, there should be no output.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to kill a process in Linux Ubuntu using Shell Bash. By following these simple steps, you can quickly and easily free up system resources and keep your computer running smoothly.