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📜  carbon if date is today - PHP (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:01.421000             🧑  作者: Mango

Carbon - Simplify Date and Time Manipulation in PHP

Carbon is a popular PHP library that simplifies the manipulation of dates and times. It provides a simple API to work with dates, times, timezones, and intervals. With Carbon, you can perform complicated date and time calculations with ease.


You can install Carbon using Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer require nesbot/carbon
Basic Usage

To start using Carbon, you just need to create a new instance of the Carbon class:

$now = Carbon::now();

This will create a new instance of the Carbon class with the current date and time.

You can also create a new Carbon instance for a specific date and time using the parse() method:

$date = Carbon::parse('2022-01-01 12:00:00');
Formatting Dates and Times

Carbon makes it easy to format dates and times using the format() method. The method accepts a format string that follows the strftime formatting rules. Here is an example:

$date = Carbon::parse('2022-01-01 12:00:00');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Output: 2022-01-01 12:00:00
Date and Time Arithmetic

Carbon makes it easy to perform date and time arithmetic. You can use the add and sub methods to add or subtract years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to a Carbon instance.

$date = Carbon::parse('2022-01-01 12:00:00');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Output: 2022-01-02 13:30:00

You can also perform comparisons between Carbon instances using the diff method:

$date1 = Carbon::parse('2022-01-01 12:00:00');
$date2 = Carbon::parse('2022-01-02 13:00:00');
echo $date1->diff($date2)->format('%h hours and %i minutes'); // Output: 25 hours and 0 minutes

With Carbon, you can simplify date and time manipulation in PHP. Its simple API makes it easy to perform complicated date and time calculations. Whether you need to format dates and times or perform date and time arithmetic, Carbon has got you covered.