📜  mc for ubuntu linux - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:02:54.954000             🧑  作者: Mango

MC for Ubuntu Linux - Shell-Bash

MC (Midnight Commander) is a free and open-source orthodox file manager that runs in a terminal. It is available for various platforms, including Ubuntu Linux.

Installing MC on Ubuntu Linux

To install MC on Ubuntu Linux, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install mc
Using MC

Once installed, you can launch MC by running the following command in the terminal:


MC provides a two-pane view, where you can navigate your file system and perform various file operations. You can switch between panes using the Tab key.


To navigate through the file system, use the arrow keys or Ctrl + Arrow keys. To move up one level, press Ctrl + O or Backspace.

File Operations

MC provides a number of file operations, including copying, moving, deleting, renaming, and creating files and directories.

To copy a file, select it and press F5. To move a file, select it and press F6. To delete a file, select it and press F8.

To rename a file, select it and press F6, then enter the new name.

To create a new file or directory, navigate to the directory where you want to create it and press F7.


MC provides a search feature that allows you to search for files and directories by name. To search for a file or directory, press F7, then enter the search term.

Customizing MC

You can customize the appearance and behavior of MC by editing the ~/.config/mc/ini file.

For example, to change the color scheme, add the following lines to the [Colors] section:


MC is a powerful file manager that can make file operations easier and more efficient on Ubuntu Linux. By learning its features and customization options, you can customize it to your workflow and make your file management tasks more productive.