📜  jQWidgets jqxKanban columnExpanded Event(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:16:54.814000             🧑  作者: Mango

jQWidgets jqxKanban columnExpanded Event

The jQWidgets jqxKanban columnExpanded event is triggered when a column is expanded in the kanban board. This event can be used by developers to perform certain actions when a column is expanded.

$('#jqxKanban').on('columnExpanded', function (event) {
  // Perform actions here

The event parameter in the above syntax represents the jQuery event object. This can be used to access various properties of the event such as the target element, the type of event, etc.


The following example demonstrates how the columnExpanded event can be used to perform actions when a column is expanded in the kanban board.

$('#jqxKanban').on('columnExpanded', function (event) {
  var columnHeaderText = event.args.columnHeaderText;
  console.log(columnHeaderText + ' column expanded');

In the above example, the console.log() statement will output the header text of the expanded column.


The jQWidgets jqxKanban columnExpanded event is a useful event for developers who are working with kanban boards. It can be used to perform actions when a column is expanded, providing a more dynamic and interactive experience for users.