📜  mysql dump mysql db cli - SQL (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:45.770000             🧑  作者: Mango


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system. It provides a command-line interface (CLI) tool called mysqldump which allows the user to easily create a backup of a MySQL database. This tool is useful for software developers to backup and restore databases, migrate data between servers, and version control database changes.


To use mysqldump CLI tool, you need to have it installed on your system and have access to a MySQL server.

The basic syntax for using mysqldump is as follows:

mysqldump [OPTIONS] [database_name] > output_file.sql


  • OPTIONS: Specifies various options for the dump process, such as --user to specify the MySQL username, --password to specify the password, --host to specify the host, --port to specify the port, etc.
  • database_name: Specifies the name of the MySQL database you want to dump.
  • output_file.sql: Specifies the filename to save the SQL dump file.
  1. Dumping a MySQL database with default options:
mysqldump mydatabase > backup.sql
  1. Dumping a MySQL database with custom options:
mysqldump --user=myuser --password=mypassword --host=localhost --port=3306 mydatabase > backup.sql
  1. Dumping a specific table from a MySQL database:
mysqldump mydatabase mytable > backup.sql

Using the mysqldump CLI tool, you can easily create backups of your MySQL databases, making it convenient for software developers to manage and transfer data. It is a powerful tool that provides flexibility and control over the backup process.