📜  expo install masked view (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:41.100000             🧑  作者: Mango

Expo Install Masked View

If you are looking for a way to add a layer of opacity to your React Native app, then the masked view could be your solution. Expo has a pre-built package for the masked view that you can install easily. In this guide, we will explain how to install and use masked view in your Expo project.


You can use the expo install command to install the masked view package in your Expo project. Run the following command in your project directory:

expo install react-native-masked-view


npm install react-native-masked-view

This will install the masked view package and add it to your project's dependencies.


After installation, you can use the masked view component in your React Native app by importing it:

import MaskedView from '@react-native-masked-view/masked-view';

The masked view component allows you to add a layer of opacity or a mask over any other underlying component. You can use it to create unique and dynamic designs in your app.

Here is an example usage of the masked view component:

  style={{flex: 1}}
        backgroundColor: 'transparent',
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'center',
      <Text style={{fontSize: 60, color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>
        Expo Masked View
    colors={['white', 'black']}
    style={{flex: 1}}>
    <View style={{flex: 1}} />
    <View style={{flex: 1}} />

In this example, we are using the masked view component to put a mask over a LinearGradient component. The mask itself is a simple View component with the text Expo Masked View centered in it. The gradient can be seen through the transparent parts of the mask.


With the masked view component, you can add a layer of opacity or a mask to any underlying component in your React Native app. You can be creative with your designs and create unique user interfaces. Just remember to install the masked view package and import it into your Expo project.