📜  android studio comment linux - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:08.442000             🧑  作者: Mango

Android Studio Comment: Linux - Shell-Bash

If you are working with Android Studio, you may need to use shell commands from time to time. In this article, we will introduce some basic shell-bash commands that can be used in Android Studio's terminal, which is based on Linux.

Getting started

To access the terminal in Android Studio, you can go to the bottom left corner of the IDE and click on the "Terminal" tab. This will open up a new terminal window where you can start entering your shell commands.

Basic commands
$ pwd

The pwd command stands for "print working directory" and it shows you the current directory you are in. This is helpful to see where you are in the file system.

$ ls

The ls command shows you the contents of the current directory. You can add options to this command to see more information, such as:

  • -l to show the files in a long list format
  • -a to show all files, including hidden ones
$ cd path/to/directory

The cd command is used to change directories. You can specify the path to the directory you want to change to. Here are some examples:

  • cd .. to move up one directory level
  • cd / to move to the root directory
  • cd ~/ to move to your home directory
$ mkdir directory_name

The mkdir command is used to create a new directory. You can specify the name of the directory you want to create.

$ rmdir directory_name

The rmdir command is used to remove a directory. The directory must be empty for this command to work.

$ cp source_file destination_file

The cp command is used to copy a file. You can specify the source file and destination file. Here are some examples:

  • cp file.txt /path/to/directory/ to copy the file to a specific directory
  • cp file.txt file_backup.txt to create a backup of a file
$ mv source_file destination_file

The mv command is used to move a file. You can specify the source file and destination file. Here are some examples:

  • mv file.txt /path/to/directory/ to move the file to a specific directory
  • mv file.txt new_file.txt to rename a file
$ rm file_name

The rm command is used to remove a file. Be careful when using this command, as it will permanently delete the file.


These are just some of the basic shell-bash commands that can be used in Android Studio's terminal. By mastering these commands, you can navigate through the file system and perform basic file operations.