📜  progressBars bulma -- 厚度 - CSS (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:03:52.415000             🧑  作者: Mango

Progress Bars with Bulma - Thickness - CSS

Progress bars are an essential component in web development. They allow users to visually see and understand how long an operation is going to take. Bulma provides a flexible and customizable way to create progress bars.

Bulma's Progress Bars

Bulma provides an easy way to create progress bars using the .progress class. To create a progress bar, simply wrap the .progress class with a container element, such as a div. You can control the thickness of the progress bar by adjusting the height property of the container element.

/* Adjusting the thickness of the progress bar */
.progress-container {
  height: 10px;

/* Creating a progress bar with a percentage value of 50% */
<div class="progress-container">
  <progress class="progress" value="50" max="100">50%</progress>

In the example above, we created a container element with a height of 10px. We then created a progress bar with a percentage value of 50% by using the <progress> HTML element. The value attribute specifies the progress value, and the max attribute specifies the maximum possible value. The value of the progress bar is also displayed using the text inside the <progress> element.

You can customize the color of the progress bar by using Bulma's color system. The .is-primary class will make the progress bar blue, and the .is-success class will make it green. You can also adjust the thickness and length of the progress bar by using the width property.

/* Customize the color and size of the progress bar */
.progress-container {
  height: 20px;

.progress-bar {
  width: 75%;

<div class="progress-container">
  <progress class="progress is-primary progress-bar" value="75" max="100">75%</progress>

In the example above, we customized the progress bar by setting the height of the container element to 20px and the width of the progress bar to 75%. We then added the .is-primary class to make the progress bar blue.


In conclusion, Bulma provides a flexible and customizable way to create progress bars in web development. By adjusting the height and width properties of the container and progress elements, you can control the thickness and length of the progress bar. The color of the progress bar can also be customized by using Bulma's color system.