📜  laravel ide helper - PHP (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:43:45.337000             🧑  作者: Mango

Laravel IDE Helper - PHP


Laravel IDE Helper is a useful tool for developers working with the Laravel framework. It provides enhanced auto-completion, documentation, and code analysis within supported IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). This package generates helper files which contain PHPDoc annotations to improve IDE support for Laravel-specific features such as facades, factories, and eloquent models.

The IDE Helper files help developers save time and improve productivity by providing accurate code suggestions, function signatures, and information about Laravel's core components. By using this package, developers can significantly enhance their development experience when working with Laravel projects.

  • Enhanced auto-completion: The IDE Helper generates accurate suggestions for Laravel's various classes, methods, and properties. This saves developers time by reducing the need to manually look up documentation or refer to the framework's source code.

  • Improved code navigation: The generated PHPDoc annotations allow IDEs to provide links to related classes, methods, and files, making it easier to navigate through the Laravel codebase.

  • Better understanding of Laravel facades: IDE Helper provides detailed PHPDoc annotations for Laravel facades, allowing developers to see the underlying class and its available methods. This helps avoid confusion when working with facades that may have dynamic/static method calls.

  • Support for Laravel core components: The IDE Helper generates accurate annotations for various Laravel components such as controllers, models, relational database queries, and more. This ensures that developers have accurate suggestions and documentation specific to Laravel's features.

  • Eloquent model support: The IDE Helper generates annotations for eloquent models, including relationships, attributes, and scopes. This improves code suggestions and allows developers to have a better understanding of their model structure and available methods.


To install the Laravel IDE Helper, follow these steps:

  1. Add the package to your Laravel project using Composer:

    composer require barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
  2. Add the service provider to the config/app.php file:

  3. Generate the IDE Helper files using the Artisan command:

    php artisan ide-helper:generate
  4. Depending on your IDE, you may need to enable or configure the generated helper files within your IDE settings.

For more detailed installation instructions, refer to the official documentation of the Laravel IDE Helper package.


Once the Laravel IDE Helper is installed and configured in your project, the IDE should start providing enhanced auto-completion and documentation for Laravel-specific features. You can now enjoy accurate code suggestions and improved code navigation while working with Laravel code.

If you make changes to your Laravel codebase, such as adding new facades, controllers, or models, you'll need to re-generate the IDE Helper files using the php artisan ide-helper:generate command.


The Laravel IDE Helper package is an essential tool for Laravel developers who want to improve their development experience. By using this package, developers can take advantage of enhanced auto-completion, documentation, and code navigation within their supported IDEs. This can significantly increase productivity and reduce the time spent on searching for Laravel-specific information.

Install the Laravel IDE Helper today and enhance your Laravel development workflow.