📜  rails - Ruby (1)

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Rails - Ruby

Rails - Ruby

Rails is a web-application framework written in Ruby. It provides a structure for building websites and applications by abstracting common tasks needed for web development. Ruby on Rails, often simply called Rails, aims to make programming web applications easier by simplifying common tasks associated with web development.


Some notable features of Rails include:

  • Convention over Configuration: Rails follows the principle of convention over configuration, meaning it provides sensible default behavior, reducing the need for manual configuration and promoting best practices.
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture: Rails implements the MVC pattern, which separates an application into three interconnected components: models, views, and controllers. This separation allows for better organization and maintainability of code.
  • Active Record: Rails includes an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library called Active Record. It provides an easy-to-use interface for database operations by abstracting SQL code into Ruby methods.
  • Scaffolding: Rails provides a powerful scaffolding feature that can generate code and boilerplate for commonly used actions, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting records.
  • Routing: Rails has a built-in routing system that maps incoming HTTP requests to specific controller actions. This allows for easy and intuitive URL structure.

Working with Rails offers several benefits:

  • Productivity: Rails emphasizes convention over configuration and provides many built-in tools and libraries, reducing the time required to set up and develop applications.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Rails is a mature framework with a large and active community. It has a rich ecosystem of libraries and gems that can be easily integrated into applications.
  • Testing Frameworks: Rails comes with built-in testing frameworks such as RSpec and Capybara, making it easy to write tests and ensure code quality.
  • Security: Rails has built-in security features like protection against common web vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
  • Scalability: Rails applications can scale horizontally by distributing the load across multiple servers or vertically by improving the performance of a single server.

To install Rails, you need to have Ruby installed on your system. Then you can use the following command:

gem install rails
Getting Started

Once Rails is installed, you can create a new Rails application using the following command:

rails new my_app

This will create a new directory called my_app with a basic Rails application structure. You can then navigate into the directory and start the Rails server:

cd my_app
rails server

You can access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:3000.


Rails is a powerful and popular web-application framework written in Ruby. It provides a productive and enjoyable development experience for programmers by automating common web development tasks. Its convention over configuration principle, MVC architecture, and rich ecosystem make it a great choice for building robust web applications.

For more information and detailed documentation, you can visit the Ruby on Rails official website.