📜  firebase cli - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:12.107000             🧑  作者: Mango

Firebase CLI - Shell/Bash

Firebase CLI is a powerful command-line tool for developers to manage and deploy their Firebase projects. It is a Node.js module that provides a command-line interface for interacting with Firebase.

With Firebase CLI, you can quickly create and deploy Firebase projects, manage Firebase Hosting, Cloud Functions, Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, and much more. It also provides features like emulators, local testing, and debugging for your Firebase projects.


Before you start working with Firebase CLI, you need to set up your environment. You need to have Node.js installed in your system. You can download it here.

Once Node.js is installed, you can install Firebase CLI using npm.

npm install -g firebase-tools

Firebase CLI requires authentication to interact with your Firebase projects. You need to log in to your Google account to access your Firebase projects.

firebase login

Here are some examples of how you can use Firebase CLI to manage your Firebase projects.

Create a Firebase project
firebase init

This command will guide you through the process of creating a new Firebase project. You can choose the Firebase services that you want to use in your project, configure Firebase Hosting, and set up Firebase Functions.

Deploy Firebase Hosting
firebase deploy

This command will deploy your web app to Firebase Hosting. It will upload your static files, and you can access your web app at your Firebase Hosting URL.

Manage Realtime Database
firebase database:get /users
firebase database:set /users/john "{'email': 'john@example.com'}"

These commands will get and set data in your Firebase Realtime Database. You can retrieve data from your database, or update data in your database.

Manage Cloud Functions
firebase deploy --only functions

This command will deploy your Cloud Functions to Firebase. You can write Cloud Functions that listen to Firebase events, like database changes, or HTTP requests.

Use Emulators
firebase emulators:start

This command will start the Firebase emulators for local development. You can use emulators for Firebase Hosting, Functions, Database, and Firestore.


Firebase CLI is a must-have tool for developers working with Firebase. It provides a command-line interface for managing and deploying your Firebase projects. With Firebase CLI, you can quickly create and deploy your projects, manage your Firebase services, and test your Firebase apps locally.