📜  arch linux - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:22.267000             🧑  作者: Mango

Arch Linux - Shell-Bash

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a lightweight and highly customizable Linux distribution that follows the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle. It is designed for programmers and advanced users who prefer to have full control over their system. Arch Linux provides a minimal base installation, allowing users to install and configure only the components they need.

  • Rolling Release: Arch Linux follows a rolling release model, which means you get the latest software updates and security patches as soon as they are available, without the need for version upgrades.
  • Pacman Package Manager: Arch Linux uses Pacman as its package manager, which provides a simple command-line interface for installing, upgrading, and managing software packages. Pacman supports dependency resolution and allows you to easily install packages from the official repositories or community-maintained AUR (Arch User Repository).
  • Customizable Environment: Arch Linux provides a bare-bones base installation, allowing you to customize and build your system according to your specific needs. You have the freedom to choose your preferred desktop environment, window manager, and other software components.
  • Lightweight and Fast: Arch Linux is known for its performance and minimal resource usage. It doesn't include unnecessary bloatware or pre-installed applications, resulting in a clean and lightweight system that boots quickly and runs efficiently.
  • AUR (Arch User Repository): The Arch User Repository is a community-driven repository that contains a vast collection of user-contributed packages. It allows you to easily install and maintain software that is not available in the official repositories.

To install Arch Linux, you need to follow a manual installation process. The Arch Linux installation guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the system. You have the flexibility to choose your filesystem, partition layout, bootloader, and other configuration options. The installation process requires some technical knowledge, as it involves command-line interactions and manual configuration.

Here is an example of the commands used to install Arch Linux:

# Download the Arch Linux ISO
$ wget https://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/iso/latest/archlinux-<version>.iso

# Create a bootable USB drive
$ dd bs=4M if=archlinux-<version>.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync

# Boot into the USB drive and start the installation process
$ archiso

# Partition the disk using fdisk or cfdisk
$ fdisk /dev/sdX

# Format the partitions and mount the root filesystem
$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1
$ mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt

# Install the base system using pacstrap
$ pacstrap /mnt base

# Generate an fstab file
$ genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

# Chroot into the newly installed system
$ arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

# Configure the system, install additional packages, and set up bootloader
# ...

# Exit the chroot environment and reboot
$ exit
$ umount -R /mnt
$ reboot

Please refer to the official installation guide for detailed instructions.


Here are some useful resources to get started with Arch Linux:

  • Official Arch Linux Website
  • Arch Wiki - A comprehensive wiki that covers various aspects of Arch Linux, including installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.
  • Arch Linux Forums - A community forum where you can find answers to your questions and interact with other Arch Linux users.
  • AUR (Arch User Repository) - The official website of the Arch User Repository, where you can search for and download user-contributed packages.

Start exploring Arch Linux and unleash your potential as a programmer in a highly customizable and efficient environment!