📜  buildOutputCleanup (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:13:43.751000             🧑  作者: Mango

Build Output Cleanup

Build Output Cleanup is an essential tool for every programmer. When we build our applications, a lot of temporary files and output are generated, like object files, logs, and binaries. Over time, these files can accumulate and take up valuable disk space, leading to a cluttered environment.

Build Output Cleanup automates the process of getting rid of unnecessary files generated during the build process. This tool can be integrated into your build script, and it will delete all the created files and folders except for the final binaries. It makes sure that only the necessary files are left behind, saving you time and disk space.


To use Build Output Cleanup, you need to add it to your build script. Here's an example of how you can integrate it into a shell script using the find command:


# build command here
# ...

# cleanup
find . -type f \( -name '*.o' -o -name '*.log' \) -delete
rm -rf bin

In this example, we first run the build command, and then we use find to delete all object files and log files. We also remove the bin directory and its contents.


The benefits of using Build Output Cleanup are numerous. Firstly, it saves you time as you don't have to manually delete all the unnecessary files generated during the build process. Secondly, it makes sure that only the necessary files are left behind, making the environment cleaner and more organized. Lastly, it saves you disk space by getting rid of unused files.


In conclusion, Build Output Cleanup is an essential tool that every programmer should have in their toolkit. It automates the process of cleaning up build output files and saves you time, effort, and disk space. Integrate it into your build script today and enjoy a cleaner, more organized environment.